Dear Health-Savvy Friend: Wouldn't you like to sit through a movie...without rushing off to the men's room? Well, here's a little secret that even your best buddies won't volunteer... MOST OF THEM CAN'T! How do I know? Simple... We men won't willingly talk about it even to close friends, but statistics don't lie: - One out of every two American men will be confronted with
prostate issues by age 50...
- As many as 90% of us will feel it as we reach our 70s and 80s...
And while you still may think it won't happen to you...if you do nothing to keep your prostate healthy the odds are really stacked against you. Yet most of us tough guys do nothing about it... We just go about our days assuming things will take care of themselves...not realizing there are secrets to supporting prostate health before it becomes a concern... But it doesn't have to be this way! As you'll see below, there are simple secrets to keeping your prostate healthy for the long haul. And it turns out that standard therapies aren't just missing the cause, but making it much worse in the long term. These new findings are so cutting-edge,
even your doctor may not have been briefed... So please feel free to pass this report onto him when you're done. But don't you wait to take advantage of the news! Because now, for the first time, my
research teammates at NorthStar have developed a new, natural formula that addresses the real
cause. Details in a bit, but first be sure to tell every man you know... Don't let yesterday's prostate "solutions"
INTO A WOMAN We finally found the secret to keeping your prostate healthy... while standard treatments can
make occasional problems worse! So what's the key to keeping your prostate healthy? This is going to floor you. It was staring
us right in the face all the time, but a drug-focused establishment simply refused to see it. It turns out to be the exact opposite of what they've been telling you for years. So please,
listen up, because most doctors still haven't heard the news. Are you trading your
testosterone for estrogen? In millions of men over 40, the rogue enzyme aromatase is raging out of control, and turning much of their testosterone into ESTROGEN --the female hormone! Simply suppressing the 5-alpha enzyme without blocking aromatase may encourage this. You need to address both 5-alpha reductase and aromatase to keep your prostate healthy. | For decades, they demonized testosterone
...WRONGLY! As you know, testosterone is the hormone that makes you a MAN. And for decades, misguided
theorists blamed it for all your prostate woes! Here's what they thought. Pretty much every report you'll ever read about prostate health
will tell you that problems are caused by a special, potent form of testosterone called DHT
(dihydrotestosterone). - As men get older, you see, more of our "regular" testosterone gets turned into DHT...
- And this process gets "switched on" by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase...
So they focus on blocking this natural process... Good idea? WRONG! As it turns out, just blocking 5-alpha alone may actually make things
MUCH worse! You see, the problem is that when you block the 5-alpha enzyme, a different enzyme kicks
in. This second enzyme is aromatase and it's even worse news than 5-alpha, because... It turns your prostate into an
ESTROGEN FACTORY! Yes! The enzyme aromatase literally turns your testosterone into the most potent form of
ESTROGEN - the female hormone! And too much estrogen in your male body can... - Wipe out any interest in sex...
- Give you female-looking breasts...
- And, adding insult to injury, make your prostate swell EVEN BIGGER!
It's never too late to address prostate health Imagine the
incredible relief
when you too will forever be able to... -
| | If you even think you may have begun to show "minor" symptoms, it's never too late to address your prostate health... I know from watching my own Dad. He had to have Trans-Urethral resection (TURP) surgery.
Know what this involves? First they stick a quarter-inch pipe
way down into your penis... ...until it reaches just below the base of your bladder. Then they insert a hot wire loop to fry your prostate. It was a horrible experience for my Dad. As a 52-year-old man, I want absolutely nothing to do with it... ...and that's why I'm taking
PROSTATE DEFENSE every day! See your doctor yearly to rule out even worse conditions. And check out the great news in this alert. | Let me repeat. DHT is not the sole cause of prostate problems. You must keep estrogen in check as well! So suddenly, the old mysteries
causing prostate misery are solved... Maintain healthy testosterone and estrogen levels and you can dramatically increase your chances of life-long prostate health. If you block 5-alpha without blocking aromatase...
you're practically forcing lots of testosterone to turn into estrogen! There's no escaping the conclusion. Simply blocking 5-alpha isn't good enough. You must also block aromatase, or else you risk making things even worse... And that's also why so many supplements came up short...until now Up until now, most producers of prostate supplements simply haven't taken aromatase into account. (Has anyone ever mentioned it to you?) Now, however, the NorthStar Nutritionals team has developed the ultimate formula that puts this astonishing breakthrough to work for YOU. We went back to square one. Looked at every single natural compound thought to support prostate health. And then we combined all the best, in a synergistic formula with optimum doses to... - Nullify the 5-alpha enzyme, so testosterone won't get converted to DHT...
- Stop the aromatase enzyme too, so it won't get turned into estrogen either...
We call the result PROSTATE DEFENSE. And the response from thousands of men who have already tried it has been phenomenal - but I'm not even asking you to believe them. In a moment, I'll show you how to try it FREE OF ANY RISK. But first, let me explain exactly why it works so much better for all these men. For starters, I'm afraid many supplement users are wasting money on a worthless type of saw palmetto... New! 4-PHYTO BREAKTHROUGH
promotes prostate health better than ever! Look, I'm not saying that "old style" prostate supplements are bad. Maybe they're helping
you - a little. But I am saying you can almost certainly do far better, by taking advantage of... The cutting-edge power of 4 different
PHYTONUTRIENT BREAKTHROUGHS Phytonutrients are one of the most exciting discoveries in 21st century nutrition. Basically, they're the molecules that give many healing plants their clout. And the new PROSTATE DEFENSE formula harnesses today's top four phytonutrients for the prostate, starting with...
The NorthStar Nutritionals' free eletter - Guide to Good Health - is your guide to great health! Providing innovative and high-quality formulations based on today's most important health discoveries, from a team of experienced and knowledgeable experts. Sign-up today to get the latest in natural health, industry news and cutting edge discoveries.
Plus, you'll also qualify for special, reader-only sales and offers! | Just enter your email address below and we'll send each week's edition right to your inbox. | We respect your privacy! | We know how important your privacy is to you so we guarantee that we will NEVER sell your e-mail address. Please also note, you can remove yourself from our list at any time. We supply a link at the bottom of each e-mail to manage your subscription to NSN's Guide to Good Health e-letter. We also provide you with a mailing address, phone number and e-mail address to contact us if you have any problems. | |
Breakthrough #1
Super-concentrated Serenoa Repens
(The secret powerhouse in Saw Palmetto!) If you're taking anything natural for your prostate, it probably includes saw palmetto. And sure, the press for saw palmetto has been great. According to one of today's most respected medical references, "saw palmetto is effective in nearly 90% of users..." Pretty nifty, right? But here's what you're not being told. The clinical trials that yielded such fantastic results did not use powdered saw palmetto! Instead, they used a powerful extract -- concentrating the fatty acids that actually do this good work. The scientific name is Serenoa Repens. And each daily dose of PROSTATE DEFENSE contains 320 mg of this extract, consisting of at least 85-95% fatty acids. WHY DO WE BOTHER? Because Serenoa Repens extract has been shown to inhibit both 5-alpha and aromatase -- blocking the production of both DHT and estrogen -- and, as we've seen, you must do both! Breakthrough #2 The marvelous
manhood molecule Next we turned to a phytonutrient with even more astonishing powers. The bark of the tree Pygeum Africanum contains an extract to help the bladder empty and make it easy to start peeing too. Most importantly of all, Pygeum seems to block both 5-alpha and aromatase -- so here again, you're maximizing your nutrient power. Breakthrough #3 Indispensable, but missing
from many supplements The little-appreciated herb "stinging nettle" contains an incredibly helpful phytonutrient that also blocks both 5- alpha and aromatase. Called Urtica dioica by scientists, you won't find stinging nettle in many supplements. But it's not just important -- it's paramount. You absolutely must have Urtica dioica as well as Pygeum in your supplement,
if you want to do the most effective job of blocking both enzymes. And you
must block both enzymes if you want to avoid a disastrous buildup of estrogen!
But even here, we weren't quite done... Breakthrough #4
Keeps the prostate in check! We natural doctors used to wonder why pumpkin seeds seem to help so many men with prostate trouble. But now we've found these seeds are rich in protective phytosterols... molecules so powerful that we concentrated the extract, and we're careful to include a generous 100 mg of this discovery in every dose of PROSTATE DEFENSE. Fight RESTROOM RAGE The Pygeum extract in PROSTATE DEFENSE can do wonders for your peace of mind, even if you don't have prostate trouble yet. As we men grow older, our bladder muscles can get hypercontractile -- meaning we always feel like we have to go, even when our bladders aren't full. But Pygeum has been found to maintain normal bladder function. Fight restroom rage! | These 4 nutrients alone are enough
to rejuvenate your prostate... But even here, we weren't content. Because we also wanted to armor your prostate against
future assaults! And here again, the latest research led us to yet another new breakthrough... Don't passively surrender your manhood!
Armor your prostate starting today If you're past 40 and don't have prostate trouble yet, don't just bless your luck -- help it out! You've got a fabulous opportunity to avoid the nasty fate that otherwise dooms many men. FACT: If you do nothing,
you can fall prey to prostate misery... As we've seen, if you live long enough, it's 90% certain you'll experience prostate issues. And
I'll bet you knew that all along! The very fact you're reading this tells me you're a health-conscious man. And hey, I'll bet you're probably already doing something to head off heart problems -- watching your diet, getting some exercise, maybe more. Am I right? SO WHY ARE MOST
for their prostates...? Especially when it takes zero effort! The fact is, keeping your prostate healthy at any age can be remarkably easy. Just nourish your prostate with the 4 Phytonutrient Breakthroughs I've
mentioned earlier... Plus these 4 indispensable
PROSTATE PROTECTORS Every man over 40 needs them all. Some may be in your multi, but probably not in the most absorbable forms or correct dosages - so why take chances? CONSUMER OUTRAGE!
37% of saw palmetto supplements are
WORTHLESS! All saw palmetto is not the same. A leading consumer magazine recently tested 27 leading brands of saw palmetto supplements and I'm afraid the results weren't encouraging. 10 of them were found to contain inferior grades of saw palmetto, without near enough of the fatty acids that actually do the good work. Don't trust your precious prostate to chance! Insist on PROSTATE DEFENSE.The cutting-edge formula in each daily dose is guaranteed to include 320 mg of super-concentrated saw palmetto extract - with at least 85-95% fatty acids. | Now, PROSTATE DEFENSE supplies them all, in one quick swallow! And you may be shocked to learn how effective this fast, simple measure can be. Let's take a quick look at the power unleashed by: Protector #1 - Prostate Miracle Food! America's food supply is critically low in organic zinc, yet healthy prostates contain massive amounts of it. Importantly, though, older male bodies have trouble absorbing zinc unless it's "chelated"with picolinic acid. So we specify easily absorbable chelated zinc in the PROSTATE DEFENSE formula. Protector #2 - The Super New Secret in Yeast! As men age, our levels of organic selenium decrease dramatically... yet new research suggests that selenium is essential to prostate health. Enough said? Here too, this critical mineral must be adequately absorbed, which is why our PROSTATE DEFENSE formula uses only selenium yeast. Protector #3 - For Your PSA! Maybe you're having your PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels checked on a regular basis -- if so, I'm sure your doctor is telling you he wants it good and low. Vitamin E may block a gene that triggers PSA production! We make sure PROSTATE DEFENSE contains the optimum dosage. Protector #4 - The Great Red Wonder! Lycopene has been making headlines for its prostate-protecting power, but you probably didn't know that blood levels of lycopene are significantly reduced by advancing age. So even if your diet is rich in tomatoes, you may not be getting enough of this crucially important antioxidant. Why mess around? Guarantee you're getting the right kind every day, with PROSTATE DEFENSE! CONGRATULATIONS!
Now you know more about prostate trouble
than 90% of doctors... And you've got all the knowledge you need to pee like a fire hose forever, and sit through 3-hour movies without a twinge. Just ingest the right forms and the right dosages of all 4 phytonutrient breakthroughs, plus all 4 prostate
protectors every single day. That's it! Plus, unlike most old-style prostate supplements... Prostate Defense even comes in
state-of-the-science SOFT GELS... So it's even easy to take and quickly absorbed, going to work within minutes of the moment you take your first capsule. If you took one right now... All this good stuff could start happening in your body. Men praise PROSTATE DEFENSE! "With PROSTATE DEFENSE now I can function much better." --Gary B., Pennsylvania Doctor says
"I'M DOING GREAT!" "PROSTATE DEFENSE is an excellent product. I have the PSA tests done yearly and my doctor says I'm doing great. He told me to keep up with whatever I'm doing." --Marvin B., Washington PEE LIKE A FIRE HOSE
You may be amazed at how
PROSTATE DEFENSE can work for you. "I only get up once a night to use the bathroom." -- G. H., Oregon |
BATHROOM BREAK... I've seen nothing else in the world that even comes close to the total support it offers men. I recommend it to male patients and loved ones, I take it myself every day, and you've seen the results men are reporting. Revolutionary! See how easy it is? Just click "Order Now" to find out RISK-FREE
why so many men are saying... "I pass rest stops WITH PLEASURE!" Directions: For use as a dietary supplement, take 2 softgels twice a day. Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 4 capsules
Servings Per Container: 30 |  |
| Amount Per Daily Serving | % Daily Value† |  | Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol) | 200 IU | 667% | Zinc (as zinc arginate) | 15 mg | 100% | Selenium (as selenium yeast) | 10 mcg | 14% | Saw Palmetto berry extract
(85-95% fatty acids) | 320 mg | * | Nettle root extract | 300 mg | * | Pumpkin seed oil | 100 mg | * | Pygeum africanum bark extract
(13% sterols) | 100 mg | * | Lycopene | 10 mg | * |  | *Daily values not established.
†Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Other ingredients: Soybean oil, gelatin (capsule), water, caramel color, yellow beeswax, lecithin and titanium dioxide. This product contains NO: wheat gluten, milk/dairy, corn, sodium, sugar, starch, artificial coloring, preservatives or flavoring. Always check with your physician before making any changes in diet or taking dietary supplements.
Protect from heat, light and moisture. Store at 15-30°C (59-85°F). Do not use if seal is broken. ** This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |
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