Dear Mark, Ever heard of ALC? If you want to keep your mind razor-sharp your whole life, you’ll want to know about it . . . ALC stands for acetyl-L-carnitine. You won’t hear about this high-octane IQ fuel from most doctors. But it’s the key to brainpower. Studies show ALC keeps the mind from slowing down as time goes by. In fact it shores up your ability to recall words and names, follow what others are saying, and think and reason clearly. You’ll never have to worry about those “senior moments.” That’s because ALC ramps up production of a brain chemical called acetylcholine. This is a neurotransmitter that helps your brain to relay signals between the neurons responsible for cognitive thought, focus, and memory. Your brain needs more and more acetylcholine as it ages . . . but can’t make more of it on its own. ALC makes up the difference, keeping those neurons firing literally at the speed of light. Poor blood circulation is another reason your thinking can get fuzzy with time. Your brain cells aren’t getting enough oxygen. Clinical evidence has shown that ALC keeps your brain’s cellular engines revved in spite of decreased blood flow.1 It’s also a potent antioxidant. You’ve heard about free radicals. They cause damage by latching on to healthy cells, disrupting their natural functioning, changing their DNA, and even killing them. It’s a little-known fact, but free radical damage lies behind a lot of the gradual loss of brainpower that comes with aging. High-energy cells throw off a lot of free radicals. Because they use so much energy, your brain cells are particularly vulnerable. ALC puts the brakes on free radical activity. It boosts production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the basic fuel every cell in your body needs to make and transport energy.2 Higher levels of ATP boost your metabolism at the cellular level and can help you to lose weight. It also literally reverses the age-related cell damage that can lead to brain fog. It even works in people who’ve already shown signs of senility or Alzheimer’s. The science proves it. Researchers recently looked at the effects of ALC in people with mild cognitive impairment and even early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. With as little as 1.5-3 g per day, they showed significantly improved brain function across the board after three months.3 As if that weren’t enough, ALC boasts a long list of health benefits that go far beyond the brain. It’s been shown to ramp up male performance and slow nerve damage in diabetics.4,5 There’s even evidence that ALC can literally re-grow nerve cells.6 You can see why ALC’s such a weapon against aging, both in the brain and throughout the body. I recommend 250 mg of ALC per day. It’s best taken in liquid form on an empty stomach. A word of caution: be sure to let your doctor know you’re taking ALC, especially if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. To Your Good Health,
 Al Sears, MD 1.Calvani et al. “Attenuation by acetyl-l-carnitine of neurological damage and biochemical derangement following brain ischemia and reperfusion.” International Journal of Tissue Reactions. 1992. 21(1):1-6. 2.Shigenaga et al. “Oxidative damage and mitochondrial decay in aging.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 1994. 3.Montgomery et al. “Meta-analysis of double blind randomized controlled clinical trials of acetyl-L-carnitine versus placebo in the treatment of mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease.” International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2003. 18(2):61-71. 4.Giammuso et al. “Improved pallesthetic sensitivity of pudendal nerve in impotent diabetic patients treated with acetyl-L-carnitine.” Acta Urologica Italica (Italy). 1996. 10(3):185-187. 5.Gorio et al. “Peptide alterations in automatic diabetic neuropathy prevented by acetyl-L-carnitine.” International Journal of Clinical Pharmacological Research. 1992. 12:(5-6):225-230. 6.Taglialatela et al. “Acetyl-L-carnitine enhances the response of PC12 cells to nerve growth factor.” Developmental Brain Research. 1991. 59(2):221-30.
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