Monday, September 21, 2009

Resveratrol's ingredients are found largely in the skins of red grapes (wine grapes). Wine.

About Resveratrol

Resveratrol's ingredients are found largely in the skins of red grapes (wine grapes). Wine. No other beverage has attracted the attention of modern medicine like this drink. Although it is most widely known for its benefits for the heart, wine has benefits against cancer, dementia, and other age-related diseases. Researchers in Denmark recently looked at 25,000 people to find out what drinking alcohol does to mortality and discovered that wine drinkers slash their overall risk of dying from any cause by about 40%.

Chemists took wine apart years ago to find out what makes it tick. Basically, it contains a host of plant compounds. It has come to recent scientific attention as a possible explanation where there is a low incidence of heart disease among the French people, who eat a relatively high-fat diet. It turns out that part of the answer to the “French paradox” is resveratrol found in red wine. Why? One of the reasons is that the wine they drink contains resveratrol, which is a powerful antioxidant. Resveratrol also stops the proliferation of cells in blood vessels that narrow the arteries, and it also keeps blood cells from sticking together. Both are very important for preventing heart attacks

Resveratrol And Weight Loss
We typically only receive 40-50% of the nutrients of the foods we eat! This is due mainly to overcooking, fertilization, in-organic foods that we consume every day. The excess non-essential components in the food we eat are transformed into toxins that hide inside fat tissue for years, or even decades. Resveratrol is rich in anti-oxidants which has the effect of reversing the build-up of these toxins. Within days of use, Resveratrol can show results in your tummy, waist, legs, and other hard to slim areas.. without reducing caloric intake or exercise! Resveratrol Linked to Improved Health and Cancer Prevention.

Clinical Research
Studies at Harvard Medical School and the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Biology have found that resveratrol, a natural compound found in the skin of red grapes and hence in red wine, may radically reduce the risk not only of heart disease but also of age related illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease. It might also counter the effects of a high-fat diet and even prolong life."

Resveratrol, a nutrient found in red wine, keeps estrogen from causing breast cancer in test-tube studies. Resveratrol increases production of an enzyme that destroys dangerous estrogen metabolites.

Resveratrol has the ability to prevent the first step that occurs when estrogen starts the process that leads to cancer. Scientists believe that this could stop the whole progression that leads to breast cancer down the road. This is dramatic because it was able to be done with fairly low concentrations of resveratrol.

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