Saturday, December 12, 2009

Magnesium May Reverse Middle-Age Memory Loss

MIT: Magnesium May Reverse Middle-Age Memory Loss

ScienceDaily (Dec. 27, 2004) — Magnesium helps build bones, make proteins, release energy stored in muscles and regulate body temperature. In the cover story of the Dec. 2 issue of Neuron, MIT researchers report a possible new role for magnesium: helping maintain memory function in middle age and beyond.

The adult daily nutritional requirement for magnesium, a trace mineral found in foods such as dark green, leafy vegetables, is around 400 mg a day. But studies show that as many as half of all Americans do not consume enough magnesium. Magnesium deficits have been tied to allergies, asthma, attention deficit disorder, anxiety, heart disease, muscle cramps and other conditions.

Associate Professor Guosong Liu and postdoctoral associate Inna Slutsky at MIT's Picower Center for Learning and Memory found that magnesium helps regulate a key brain receptor important for learning and memory. Their work provides evidence that a magnesium deficit may lead to decreased memory and learning ability, while an abundance of magnesium may improve cognitive function.

"Our study shows…maintaining proper magnesium in the cerebrospinal fluid is essential for maintaining the plasticity of synapses," the authors wrote. "Since it is estimated that the majority of American adults consume less than the estimated average requirement of magnesium, it is possible that such a deficit may have detrimental effects…resulting in potential declines in memory function."

Plasticity, or the ability to change, is key to the brain's ability to learn and remember. Synapses, the connections among brain cells, undergo physical changes in response to brain activity. While the mechanisms underlying these changes remain elusive, it is known that synapses are less plastic in the aging or diseased brain. Loss of plasticity in the hippocampus, where short-term memories are stored, causes the forgetfulness common in older people.

"The important issue is how the plasticity of synapses is regulated physiologically," said Liu, who has appointments in MIT's Department of Biology and Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Working with Slutsky, graduate student Safa Sadeghpour and technician Bing Li, Liu identified a key principle that predicts which chemicals can enhance plasticity.

This finding is akin to the difference between hearing music on an old radio or a high-fidelity stereo. Synapses, like speakers, have a level of background noise that can get in the way of transmitting their signal from one neuron to another. Just as our ears become more sensitive to nuances in music played on a top-of-the-line music system, synapses become more plastic when background noise is reduced.

Armed with this new understanding, the researchers then identified magnesium's importance in synaptic function.

Magnesium is the gatekeeper for the NMDA receptor, which receives signals from an important excitatory neurotransmitter involved in synaptic plasticity. Magnesium helps the receptor open up for meaningful input and shut down to background noise. "As predicted by our theory, increasing the concentration of magnesium and reducing the background level of noise led to the largest increases of plasticity ever reported in scientific literature," Liu said.

The researchers have identified and are now studying several families of drugs that may restore learning and memory in animals. Most important, Liu said, "This new theory may help create strategies to prevent aging-induced loss of synaptic plasticity."

This work was supported by the RIKEN-MIT Neuroscience Center and the National Institutes of Health.

A version of this article appeared in the December 8, 2004 issue of MIT Tech Talk (Volume 49, Number 12).

The helmet that could turn back the symptoms of Alzheimer's

The helmet that could turn back the symptoms of Alzheimer's


Last updated at 10:47 25 January 2008

An experimental helmet which scientists say could reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease within weeks of being used is to be tried out on patients.

The strange-looking headgear - which has to be worn for ten minutes every day - bathes the brain with infra-red light and stimulates the growth of brain cells.

Its creators believe it could reverse the symptoms of dementia - such as memory loss and anxiety - after only four weeks.

Alzheimer's disease charities last night described the treatment as "potentially life- changing" - but stressed that the research was still at the very early stages.

Scroll down for more ...

Alzheimer's helmet

lead researcher at the University of Sunderland Dr Abdel Ennaceur and Durham University s Dr Paul Chazot are pictured with Dr Gordon Dougal and a prototype cognitive helmet

Around 700,000 Britons have dementia, with around 500,000 suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

The helmet is the creation of Dr Gordon Dougal, a director of Virulite, a medical research company based in County Durham.

It follows a study at the University of Sunderland which found infra-red light can reverse memory loss in mice.

Dr Dougal claims that only ten minutes under the hat a day is enough to have an effect.

"Currently all you can do with dementia is to slow down the rate of decay - this new process will not only stop that rate of decay but partially reverse it," he said.

Low level infra-red red is thought to stimulate the growth of cells of all types of tissue and encourage their repair. It is able to penetrate the skin and even get through the skull.

"The implications of this research at Sunderland are enormous - so much so that in the future we could be able to affect and change the rate at which our bodies age," he said.

"We age because our cells lose the desire to regenerate and repair themselves. This ultimately results in cell death and decline of the organ functions - for the brain resulting in memory decay and deterioration in general intellectual performance.

"But what if there was a technology that told the cells to repair themselves and that technology was something as simple as a specific wavelength of light?"

The study at Sunderland found that exposing middle-aged mice to infrared light for six minutes a day for ten days improved their performance in a three-dimensional maze. In the human trials, due to start this summer, the scientists will use levels of infra-red that occur naturally in sunlight.

Neuroscientist Paul Chazot, who helped carry out the research, said: "The results are completely new - this has never been looked at before."

An Alzheimer's Society spokesman said: "A treatment that reverses the effects of dementia rather than just temporarily halting its symptoms could change the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people. We look forward to further research to determine whether this technique could help improve cognition in humans."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

John Hopkins Update - Good article

John Hopkins Update - Good article


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins :

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2.. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime..

3 When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply..


a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful.. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

1. No plastic containers in micro.

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave.

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter ReedArmy Medical Center as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Cast le Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV di nners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.. Cover food with a paper towel instead.

This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Resveratrol's ingredients are found largely in the skins of red grapes (wine grapes). Wine.

About Resveratrol

Resveratrol's ingredients are found largely in the skins of red grapes (wine grapes). Wine. No other beverage has attracted the attention of modern medicine like this drink. Although it is most widely known for its benefits for the heart, wine has benefits against cancer, dementia, and other age-related diseases. Researchers in Denmark recently looked at 25,000 people to find out what drinking alcohol does to mortality and discovered that wine drinkers slash their overall risk of dying from any cause by about 40%.

Chemists took wine apart years ago to find out what makes it tick. Basically, it contains a host of plant compounds. It has come to recent scientific attention as a possible explanation where there is a low incidence of heart disease among the French people, who eat a relatively high-fat diet. It turns out that part of the answer to the “French paradox” is resveratrol found in red wine. Why? One of the reasons is that the wine they drink contains resveratrol, which is a powerful antioxidant. Resveratrol also stops the proliferation of cells in blood vessels that narrow the arteries, and it also keeps blood cells from sticking together. Both are very important for preventing heart attacks

Resveratrol And Weight Loss
We typically only receive 40-50% of the nutrients of the foods we eat! This is due mainly to overcooking, fertilization, in-organic foods that we consume every day. The excess non-essential components in the food we eat are transformed into toxins that hide inside fat tissue for years, or even decades. Resveratrol is rich in anti-oxidants which has the effect of reversing the build-up of these toxins. Within days of use, Resveratrol can show results in your tummy, waist, legs, and other hard to slim areas.. without reducing caloric intake or exercise! Resveratrol Linked to Improved Health and Cancer Prevention.

Clinical Research
Studies at Harvard Medical School and the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Biology have found that resveratrol, a natural compound found in the skin of red grapes and hence in red wine, may radically reduce the risk not only of heart disease but also of age related illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease. It might also counter the effects of a high-fat diet and even prolong life."

Resveratrol, a nutrient found in red wine, keeps estrogen from causing breast cancer in test-tube studies. Resveratrol increases production of an enzyme that destroys dangerous estrogen metabolites.

Resveratrol has the ability to prevent the first step that occurs when estrogen starts the process that leads to cancer. Scientists believe that this could stop the whole progression that leads to breast cancer down the road. This is dramatic because it was able to be done with fairly low concentrations of resveratrol.

Pasted from <>

Sunday, September 20, 2009

New combination of discoveries STOPS chronic joint pain

New combination of discoveries


chronic joint pain

in 7 days

This single natural solution works on your…


Check!Hands & Fingers
Check!And more!

Dear Friend,

Dr. David Williams

Dr. David G. Williams

If joint pain, inflammation, or stiffness still
bothers you, I have truly wonderful news:

We have a newly-discovered nutrient that works on joint pain MUCH FASTER than glucosamine or any other supplement we had until now.

If you are dealing with uncomfortable joints—anywhere in your body—and want quick results with a natural solution, this is my new top recommendation. In all my years as a researcher of natural healing, I’ve never, ever seen anything work this well for so many people…

Want to feel A LOT better quickly? Read on!

This exciting new discovery is called Natural Eggshell Membrane
. It’s an extract of the tough membrane found between the eggshell and the egg white of chicken eggs. This thin-but-tough membrane cushions an egg really well, and clinical studies show it can stop chronic joint pain fast—within 7 days. I’ll tell you more about NEM in a couple of pages…

“People who had painful joints for years can’t believe it when they wake up and nothing hurts at all. And six months later, they are still pain-free!”

Much less pain
Check! Healthy cartilage
Check! Better joint lubrication
Check! Much less stiffness
Check! More space within the joints
Check! More flexibility
Check! Much less free radical activity
Check! Much more comfortable muscles
Check! Much greater mobility
Check! Lower levels of inflammation enzymes

Order Now!

More new discoveries
for your joints:

Since the last time I contacted you, we have found exciting solutions for MULTIPLE joint and muscle problems: We now have better ways to naturally stop stiffness and reduce inflammation, rebuild cartilage, and give you a lot more mobility and joint lubrication. And we have a much stronger defense then ever before to stop the free radical bad guys that are constantly breaking down our joints…

So what did I do? Naturally, I’ve put all of the best new joint and muscle solutions into a single nutritional supplement. This is the first time we’ve had anything this powerful for joints: it’s called Joint Advantage Gold®.

Joint Advantage Gold is the first truly comprehensive natural solution for joint pain and rebuilding. Going way beyond glucosamine, it includes tried-and-true nutrients scientifically shown to stop pain and discomfort, and exciting new nutrients you’ve never heard of. Together, these new discoveries will make every single joint in your body work better. You’ll feel much more comfortable, all day long.

Natural Eggshell Membrane

New superstar join nutrient stops pain quickly

Natural Eggshell Membrane

There’s a big reason so many people are eliminating pain faster with Joint Advantage Gold than with any other supplement they’ve ever tried. The secret is several very new, powerful nutrients—and Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM) is one of the superstars.

NEM may come from the humble egg, but it’s a real powerhouse of a nutrient. Clinical studies on back, knee, hip, shoulder, and leg pain prove that it works…

Remarkable results: Within only seven days, study participants reported a significant reduction in pain. In 30 days, the majority reported a total disappearance of their pain! Zero pain. This is much faster and deeper relief than we’ve ever enjoyed with supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin.

NEM combined with the other 14 unique ingredients in Joint Advantage Gold will make your joints feel better than they have in years. Try it yourself! (for more about NEM, click here)

People are heaping praise on Joint Advantage Gold

People are heaping praise on
Joint Advantage Gold…

Joint Advantage Gold:

  • Rebuilds worn down cartilage like never before
  • Ends the cycle of pain and aches and keeps pain away
  • Stops joint-damaging free radicals in their tracks
  • Lubricates your joints so they work smoothly
  • Gets rid of stiffness and curbs inflammation throughout your body

I’m getting a flood of calls, letters, and e-mails from happy people who use Joint Advantage Gold every day. They simply can’t believe that their joints work this well. They are excited that the aches, pains, and stiffness that used to limit their lives are now GONE.

People are telling me that they tried everything: glucosamine, chondroitin, chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga—and nothing worked completely—until now. We finally have a totally natural secret weapon for pain and discomfort…this is what I’ve been searching for my whole career as a natural healer!

My friend, if you suffer from the chronic aches and pains of an aging body, we now have the answer. Let’s take a closer look at the major ways Joint Advantage Gold will help you…

The very best of health to you and your family,

Dr. David G. Williams

Dr. David G. Williams

Join Advantage Major Benefit 1

Your Aches and Pains Will Simply Go Away

If you want to really stop aches and pain naturally, you have to take more than one nutrient. That’s because there are different kinds of pain that attack different parts of the body. The ache in your back has different causes than shoulder pain. Throbbing fingers aren’t the same as creaky knees. Reducing inflammation is a world apart from rebuilding cartilage.

So if anyone has tried to sell you a “cure-all” product with only one or two nutrients or herbs in it, I would politely tell them to take a walk.

To get rid of every kind of joint and muscle pain all through your body, you need a comprehensive, robust, super-solution. And we finally have it…

Do you ever have back pain?
How about shoulder or knee pain?
Do your fingers or hands ever hurt?

Some people can walk around town all day or sit in a plane for 8 hours and have NO back pain. God bless them. But most of us have some kind of back discomfort, even though we’re not doing anything wrong. What causes it?

There can be several causes: inflammation triggered by an over-production of the 5-LOX or COX-2 pain enzymes. Or mechanical problems in your joints, such as worn down or damaged cartilage in your knees and elbows. After age 40, most of us could benefit greatly from a good cartilage rebuilder.

Finally, a single solution works on all the major causes of pain, all over your body

“With Joint Advantage Gold, you’ll save over $250 per year on separate glucosamine.”

Regardless of what’s causing it, pain is real and can get in the way of life. Now you don’t have to let it. Joint Advantage Gold is the first nutritional supplement that gives you ALL of the most powerful natural pain relievers in one solution.

Check!NEM, for faster pain relief:

Natural Eggshell Membrane is just one “secret weapon” nutrient that makes Joint Advantage Gold work better on aches, pain, and stiffness than any natural solution you’ve tried in the past. Read on to learn how this natural wonder will help you feel good quickly…

Check!Boswellia Serrata, to fight pain enzymes:

No herb helps pain like boswellia, from a tree that grows in the dry, hilly regions of Northwest India. Boswellia works by inhibiting the 5-LOX pain enzyme. This is often the hidden cause of aches and pain in the back, shoulders, hips, knees and other areas. In fact, if you’ve never taken boswellia, this could be why no pain solution has ever worked for you.

The active pain-reducer in the herb is called boswellic acid. Joint Advantage Gold gives you a generous 616 mg of boswellia, containing an impressive 400 mg of pure boswellic acid—enough to help very stubborn aches and pain disappear. This is the full amount of boswellic acid used in the most successful clinical study.

Check!Bromelain, for inflammation:

It’s difficult to find a natural remedy that really helps your body respond better to inflammation, one of the three big causes of aches and pain. Bromelain is unique—it really works if you take enough.

Keep in mind that inflammation is actually healthy in small amounts: When you scratch your skin, for example, the body sends extra blood to this area. It looks a little red and inflamed, but that inflammation actually promotes healing.

Boswellia Helps Joint Pain and IMPROVES Function!

Boswellia Helps Joint Pain and IMPROVES Function!

In this landmark, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 400 mg of Boswellic acids (the amount in Joint Advantage Gold) significantly helped daily joint pain and discomfort, and improved joint function

Senior Basketball Team

Unnecessary or excess inflammation is another story.

That’s what gives you the sensation of lasting discomfort. If you have unnecessary inflammation anywhere in your joints, let’s do something about it! Joint Advantage Gold gives you a robust 400 mg of bromelain. Take it every day, and you should start feeling better very quickly. Excellent Side Benefit: Your quality of life improves when inflammation is greatly reduced throughout your body.

Check! Glucosamine Sulfate, to promote normal joint mechanics:

Cut Your Expenses by $250

Glucosamine rebuilds the structure of your joints. You should definitely take a full 1,500 mg of glucosamine daily. Over time, glucosamine improves the amount of space within your joints. It also rebuilds worn down cartilage, which you really need for joints that work smoothly and painlessly. Joint Advantage Gold gives you a full 1,500 mg of the highest-quality glucosamine. There’s no reason to ever buy separate glucosamine again! Joint Advantage Gold is a great way to save over $250 per year on glucosamine.

Life without pain is
completely different—it’s a lot better!

I’ve had aches and pain slowing me down, and I’ve also experienced total freedom from pain. I can tell you this: being pain-free is better.

Think about your own life, and what you would do differently if it weren’t for aches, pains, and stiffness? I get so many letters, e-mails, and phone calls from people who can’t believe how their life has improved since Joint Advantage Gold.

People who used to stay home a lot because their back hurt when they sat in a car too long. Now they’re visiting friends all the time with no discomfort.

A lot of men and women stop exercising—and start getting flabby—because their knees or legs or back hurt. It’s not their fault! How can someone exercise if they’re not feeling up to it? Now these friends are pleased to tell me they are exercising every day, without pain. And they’re keeping slim and fit because they are more active.

And freedom from aches and pain is just ONE of the many benefits of Joint Advantage Gold…let’s look at another one…

Knees & Shoulders working fine again!

KNEES & SHOULDERS working fine again!

When your joints hurt, it’s no joke, even if your doctor doesn’t take it seriously.
Everything can look OK to a physician, but your knees or shoulders can STILL ache all day. Doctors can’t do anything to turn off pain if they can’t pinpoint the cause. Chiropractic and yoga are only going to give you limited relief— you probably already know that!

I’m talking about that soreness deep in your shoulder when you try to lift up something that weighs more than a few pounds. The dull ache in the knees when you bend down to pet a dog or stroke a cat.

Do your knees hurt every time you stand up? When you climb stairs? Do your shoulders ache when you raise your arms up over your head? How about when you hold your arms straight out?

The great news is that Joint Advantage Gold works on all kinds of joint pain. That’s because the numerous pain-fighting nutrients and herbs in Joint Advantage Gold reduce pain from a number of different angles: Lowering your 5-LOX and COX-2 pain enzyme levels, the main cause of inflammation. Calming down your pain neurons. Creating more space in your joints and lubricating the joints so things don’t rub together. And Joint Advantage Gold also builds cartilage, so important to the structure of your joints.

No other natural pain solution works in so many blissful ways.

Madeline has 85% improvement so far, in her feet, toes, fingers & Neck

“A friend of mine in my church knew I was having pain, and she gave me a six week supply of Joint Advantage Gold to try. I ordered some more before it ran out. The soles of my feet had become very sore and I had pain in my toes, fingers, and neck. All of these have improved approximately 85% in four months. The change in my movements, my walking, house cleaning, everything is so much better. Being really active again is wonderful—I’m 71 and feeling good again after 3 years of pain.”

— Madeline Odon, North Carolina

Individual results will vary.

Join Advantage Major Benefit 2

Greater Mobility, Stiffness Gone!

I know teenagers who sit around like sacks of potatoes and 80- year-olds who can beat me at tennis and golf.
Guess which one I’d rather be? That’s right, I’d choose the active life every time. You see, it doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s how well your body works and how good you feel. And if you feel good, it’s much easier to get excited about life.

Is any part of your body stiff?

Stiffness is one problem that can now be reversed and eliminated. Take the hips, for example. Stiff hips can slow down everything you do. It’s like the muscles and tendons that connect your legs to your pelvis are saying, “I don’t want to go anywhere today!” Stiffness makes it harder to get out of bed in the morning. It can be tough to bend down and pick things up, like grocery bags. And forget about taking a long walk, swimming, riding a bike, or getting on a horse!

When the hips loosen up and stiffness disappears, it’s like night and day. Suddenly, you’re walking without restriction or discomfort. You’re moving around like someone who is 20 or 30 years younger…and if you want to jump on that bike or climb onto that horse, you can!

Bromelain Works on Your Stiffness, Too! Chart

Bromelain Reduces Inflammation that Causes Stiffness!

An important study of Bromelain for knee problems shows that this natural enzyme significantly reduces stiffness and improves knee function—if you take the full 400 mg dose that’s in Joint Advantage Gold.

No supplement works for mobility and against stiffness like Joint Advantage Gold. Here’s why:

We should have called Joint Advantage Gold something like “Active Body Gold,” because that’s exactly what it does. Joint Advantage Gold combines a number of herbs that all help relieve stiffness and get your joints and muscles feeling good—so you feel like moving.

Special Australian Herbal Blend:

Deep in the Australian frontier, the native people (called Aborigines) have it tough: They don’t own cars, TV sets, refrigerators or health insurance. But they are blessed with one thing…

These natives have the most remarkable healing herbs I’ve ever researched, and as Johnny Cash said, I’ve been everywhere. I spent months living with the Aborigines, and I couldn’t believe how young and spry the “elders” seemed. Natives in their 70s and even 80s were hunting, dancing, walking long distances, and even sprinting (!!!) as if they were 25 years old. These “seniors” didn’t look like they had a stiff joint in their bodies.

When I told them—through a translator—that most Westerners get stiff as they get older, these human miracles looked at me like I was making it up.

Your Joints!

No other joint and muscle solution includes so many effective ingredients. No other solution helps your joints and muscles in so many different ways!

Then I learned their secret:

Whenever these natives feel even the slightest twinge of discomfort, they find the right bush and pick a few sprigs of either Lemon Myrtle, Wild Rosellia, Aniseed Myrtle, or Mountain Pepper. They chew on the leaves or make a tea.

Almost no one—even in remote parts of Australia—has ever heard of these herbs. But I’ve reached an agreement with the locals to get enough of the potent young leaves for our Joint Advantage Gold. Once you take all four herbs together you will soon forget what stiffness feels like. Then, life can really begin!

Are your HIPS often tight or stiff? You’ll be comfortable soon!

Are your HIPS often tight or stiff? You’ll be comfortable soon!

Your hips are the workhorses of your body, the part that connects the torso and the legs. When you’re stiff around the hip joints, your whole body feels limited. You look slow, uncomfortable, and frankly, older.

No combination of nutrients works on stiffness like Joint Advantage Gold. Nobody else is offering our unique combination of Australian mobility herbs. The incredible results are the proof:

Harlyn is driving his truck with NO PAIN now

“I work in construction as an equipment operator. In 1957, I was in a car accident where we were hit from behind, and I went to chiropractors all through my teen years. Then I had back treatments for five years. My hips were so bad some days I limped and it hurt too much to drive my pickup truck. It’s hard to believe I am pain-free now. Five years ago I dreaded the thought of it getting worse as I grew older. Now I’m 62 and very happy.”

—Harlyn Unger, Texas

Individual results will vary.

Joint Advantage Gold

& Worn-Down Joints

Before and After Knee Pain

If your joints hurt, you probably have worn down or damaged cartilage. Ragged bone may be grinding against bone. The space within the joint—that contains the lubricating synovial fluid—may be too small. And your joints won’t have enough cushioning.

THE RESULT: inflammation, pain, stiffness, lack of mobility.

Joint Advantage Gold is the first and only supplement that can really rebuild your joints, greatly reduce the inflammation, get rid of chronic pain, and restore lost mobility at the same time. You’ll move around more freely, and you’ll be a lot more comfortable!

“Once Joint Advantage Gold rebuilds your joints, you won’t have to rely as heavily on ibuprofen or other OTC pain killers, COX-2 inhibitors, and other pain killers. You won’t have to worry about damaging your digestive system or liver.”

Secrets from the Land that Stiffness Forgot
Secrets from the Land
that Stiffness Forgot

I used to think that stiffness, aches, and pain
were just something that everyone has to
endure when they get older…


And then I discovered a place
where that’s not true.

You wouldn’t believe how poor the natives of Australian wilderness are:

These tribal people have no running water. No TV. No plumbing. No heat other than open fires.

But they DO have something that we don’t have, that nobody else has…

When I walked into the first native camp, I noticed something strange. Everybody was in motion: playing games, making tools, carrying heavy baskets of food, dancing to music from strange instruments. I wondered where all the older adults were…the community seemed to have no elders at all.

And then I figured it out: A lot of the energized people who were chatting with their neighbors, lifting heavy objects, climbing up primitive ladders WERE THE ELDERS. When I introduced myself and got a little closer and could see the deep lines in their faces, I found out that some of these folks, who I assumed were in their 20s and 30s, were actually in their 70s and even 80s!

From the Australian Outback:

Australian Herbs

If you’ve never tried these four herbs,
you’ve never experienced true freedom from stiffness.

I asked them, through my native interpreter, if they had ever heard of “joint pain.” They hadn’t. I dug deeper: “Don’t people in this village slow down when they get old?” They all looked at me like I was crazy.

The purpose of my trip (like all my research trips abroad) was to seek out new health solutions, and boy, did I find one. After spending weeks with these tribal folk, observing their eating habits, I narrowed it all down to four leafy herbs that are unique to the region: Lemon Myrtle, Wild Rosellia, Aniseed Myrtle, and Mountain Pepper.

To make a long story short, these four herbs are one big reason why Joint Advantage Gold works for people who never had luck with any joint formula in the past. You won’t find this exotic herbal combination anywhere else— except in the Australian Outback and parts of the Tasmanian wilderness.

Order Now!

“People who never had results with natural products suddenly feel pain and stiffness start to go away.”

Join Advantage Major Benefit 3

Rebuild Your Worn-Down Cartilage!

Glucosamine is a good way to build cartilage, but glucosamine alone is not enough.
We now have two new nutrients that give you even more building blocks for healthy cartilage. Use all three together, and you should never worry about cartilage again. Not in your knees—not anywhere. Your cartilage will stop deteriorating and start rebuilding.

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to help your joints build cartilage after age 40. The cartilage in and around your joints is like the shock absorbers in your car. Without enough cartilage, there’s not much padding to keep bones from rubbing against other bones, and that’s painful!

Bad Cow, Good Cow

Cows need strong cartilage to support two thousand pounds of weight! Maybe that’s why bovine (cow) cartilage has such a high concentration of natural cartilage-nourishing nutrients—all great for us humans. The problem is, the bovine cartilage supplements you can buy in the health food stores give you little or no benefit. I’m convinced only one form is definitely worth taking…

Bad Cow


Until now, all bovine cartilage was processed with harsh chemicals that destroy most of the cartilage benefits. You get an expensive, almost useless supplement. Why bother?

Good Cow


We finally have a gentle process that preserves the valuable chondroitin, glucosamine, and other fragile natural sulfates in the bovine cartilage. As a result, you get real cartilage-building benefits. This new, much-improved form is in Joint Advantage Gold exclusively.

Two new cartilage superstars

Everyone over 40 years old should take 1,500 mg of high-quality glucosamine every day. Glucosamine can help build your cartilage over time. But don’t stop there—we have two wonderful discoveries that nourish healthy cartilage.

Star Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM):

A very exciting new discovery, NEM is extracted from the lining between the egg and its shell. NEM is an extremely rich, natural source of the building blocks of cartilage, called gylcosaminoglycans. Amazingly, NEM includes naturally occurring glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid (great for joint lubrication), and even collagen!

Star Superior Bovine Cartilage:

Vitamin companies that push straight glucosamine/chondroitin products NEVER tell you that just taking glucosamine and chondroitin is NOT enough to nourish healthy cartilage. I’ve found that you enjoy much more benefit when you get a broader spectrum of cartilage building blocks.

Joint Advantage Gold is different: Our Bovine Cartilage gives you all of these sulfates (important cartilage boosters) in natural balance. Plus, our Bovine Cartilage is the ONLY ONE that doesn’t use harsh chemicals such as acetone to process the cartilage—we only use gentle natural enzymes that do not damage the precious sulfates. With our exclusive Bovine Cartilage, your body’s cartilage gets ALL the sulfate building blocks it needs, in their purest natural form.

Your joints will love Joint Advantage Gold—this is a big advancement in natural joint health! Start rebuilding worn-down joints today!

Order Now!

All the World's
Best Solutions

for your joints, muscles and tendons

15 Powerful Nutrients in a Single Formula

To Stop Chronic Pain:

StarNatural Eggshell Membrane: 500 mg

NEM is an incredible new breakthrough for eliminating chronic pain and improving comfort. In exciting pilot studies, NEM significantly reduced joint and soft tissue pain in 7 days, and in 30 days NEM completely eliminated pain in a majority of patients asked to flex and extend their joints. Not only does it give you the building blocks for strong cartilage, it also is a great source of hyaluronic acid (a natural joint lubricator) and collagen—which makes the body’s tissues more elastic. Our bodies unfortunately create less collagen as we age. The generous amount of NEM in Joint Advantage Gold will ease discomfort and stiffness in a way you have never experienced before. A Joint Advantage Gold EXCLUSIVE.

To Rebuild Your Joints:

Star Glucosamine: 1,500 mg

Glucosamine is one of the best ways to slowly build healthy cartilage over time. But you need to take a full 1,500 mg, the dosage in Joint Advantage Gold. Our high-quality glucosamine also helps lubricate your joints, improves joint function and structure, and helps build good space within the joint. You should notice much less pain and aches if you continue to take the full 1,500 mg dosage every day. CONTAINS: SOY, SHELLFISH (SHRIMP), EGG

To Nourish Your Joints

Star Superior Bovine Cartilage: 100 mg

If you’ve ever tried bovine cartilage and didn’t feel any better, you are in for a big, pleasant surprise. Our exclusive natural-process bovine cartilage delivers the full spectrum of cartilage-building sulfates to your joints—not just glucosamine and chondroitin. Mother Nature intended you to have all of them in balance, and now you will! A Joint Advantage Gold EXCLUSIVE.

To Stop Inflammatory Enzymes

Star Boswellia Extract: 616 mg

In 6,000 years of Chinese and Indian history, one Asian herb stands alone in its ability to help your joints: Boswellia. The active compounds, called boswellic acids, have a unique ability to reduce any excess 5-LOX enzyme in your body, one of the main causes of joint and muscle pain. Our Boswellia gives you the full amount of boswellic acids used in the most successful study. Boswellia is also a very potent antioxidant, and slows down one of the primary causes of joint wear and tear.

Ingredients from all over the World

15 Powerful Nutrients in a Single Formula

Why just take glucosamine?

When you can have the world’s 15 best comfort nutrients—including glucosamine—all together!

To Reduce Soft Tissue Inflammation:

Star Bromelain: 400 mg

Anywhere in your body where there is too much inflammation, you are bound to feel aches and pain. Of all the natural solutions for sore joints, I’ve found Bromelain to help the most, time after time. Also, Bromelain aids digestion, and will help your body actually absorb more vitamins and minerals, cartilage builders, and other nutrients.

Another Joint Advantage Gold EXCLUSIVE!

To Improve Your Mobility

Australian Joint Magic! (260mg)

Star Lemon Myrtle

Star Wild Rosella

Star Aniseed Myrtle

Star Mountain Pepper

Joint Advantage Gold gives you many more benefits than ordinary joint and muscle supplements, and these four magical Australian herbs are a big reason. If you want to have great mobility and excellent antioxidant protection for your joints into your 70s, 80s, and 90s, I urge you to take these unique herbs—I have seen unbelievable results with my own eyes. You will only find this combination in Joint Advantage Gold.

Senior Surfer

One supplement.
So many benefits!

Much less pain
Check! Healthy cartilage
Check! Better joint lubrication
Check! Much less stiffness
Check! More space within the joints
Check! More flexibility
Check! Much less free radical activity
Check! Much more comfortable muscles
Check! Much greater mobility
Check! Lower levels of inflammation enzyme

For the Most Comfortable Joints Ever!

All-Star European Herbal Blend (216mg)

Star Yucca

Star Devil’s Claw Root

Star White Willow

Star Feverfew Flower

Star Celery Seed

Star Papaya Extract

European naturopathic doctors value these six herbs above all others to help the joints and muscles and to relieve aches and pain. Some they discovered as far away as South America and Africa. Now you have the opportunity to benefit from all six in a single solution—combined with so many other powerful helpers, such as Glucosamine, Natural Eggshell Membrane, Bovine Cartilage, and Boswellia!

No other solution helps your
joints in so many different ways!

New secret weapon for pain:

Natural Eggshell Membrane

Chronic pain down to
ZERO in one month!

Faster and more total pain relief than glucosamine or chondroitin provide

A brand-new discovery is revolutionizing joint and muscle care. And it’s making a lot of people much more comfortable than they ever were before!

Do you know why a big, plump chicken can sit on an egg all day without the egg breaking? It’s not because of the shell! No, it’s the incredible shock-absorber just under the shell—that thin membrane that holds the egg together.

You heard it here first: We’ve recently discovered and confirmed that Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM) has remarkable qualities that can really help us humans. NEM can make long-term pain subside within 7 days. And for many people, pain completely disappears within one month.

Expect even more profound benefits with time: NEM is also great for the structural health of your joints. Every moving part in your body will soon feel a whole lot better.

In clinical studies, a full 80% of patients with various joint and soft tissue complaints, involving pain in the lower back, knees, hips, shoulders and legs, enjoyed significant improvement within just one week. These patients were tested for flexion and extension (joint flexibility), and considerable improvement to pain was noted with both kinds of movement.

“It’s like the number
of benefits you get
in glucosamine
multiplied by THREE—
plus a whole lot more!”

NEM is still very new and difficult to find—at any price—but I made sure you get the full clinical study amount in Joint Advantage Gold.

NEM: A new super-nutrient overflowing with joint, cartilage, and comfort benefits…

Helps eliminate chronic pain and stiffness
Helps rebuild worn and damaged cartilage
Check! Supports strong joint structure
Check! Benefits joint function
Check! Helps cushion the joints
Check! Contains joint-lubricating nutrients
Check!A great source of collagen for your connective tissues

Lynn Shephard

“I am 61 years old and have been taking Joint Advantage Gold for a while now. I feel no pain in my joints since taking this solution. Before, with other products, I still had a little discomfort. But Joint Advantage Gold is better, even when I eat foods that contribute to joint aches. I have used many vitamins in the last 40 years and I definitely feel the products Mountain Home Nutritionals offers are the best on the market. I’m stronger and healthier than I’ve ever been, and I thank Dr. Williams.”

—Lynn Sherard, New York
Individual results will vary.

Join Advantage Major Benefit 4

Check! Much better joint lubrication

Check! Good, healthy joint space

With one simple action,
you can keep your joints in great shape for many, many years to come.

Like giving your car some fresh motor oil, it’s really worth it to give your joints some extra help.

It doesn’t require any effort: simply take Joint Advantage Gold every day, and you’ll do more than just build cartilage—you’ll also enjoy extra joint lubrication and maintain good, healthy space within your joints, so the moving parts have the room they need to be comfortable.

Your joints will work smoothly…

You know how some products claim “you’ll feel the difference”? With the joints, it’s much better to feel nothing: no grinding, popping, aches, pains, or stiffness at all.

The goal is for every joint, muscle, and tendon in your body to work smoothly, with nothing holding them back. And that’s exactly what Joint Advantage Gold does.

You’ll be able to sit, stand, and walk for longer periods without pain or stiffness. You will even look less stiff to other people, because you’ll have a fuller range of motion.

And as long as you’re moving around freely and living a vigorous life, nobody can call you old!

Senior Tennis Player

No other solution helps the structure of your joints in so many ways:

Only Joint Advantage Gold helps your cartilage in three different ways, with Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM), Superior Bovine Cartilage, and a full dose of Glucosamine.

Joint Advantage Gold helps your knees,
elbows, shoulders, and hands, too!

Pain and stiffness can strike any joint in your body—as well as the supporting muscles and tendons around the joint.

Joint Advantage Gold is formulated to work throughout your body, in every single joint, from your neck and shoulders to your toes. Every stiff and painful area is helped at the same time!

Betty Wright

Betty and her husband are more creative and productive

“My husband and I take Joint Advantage Gold religiously. We both had some pain in our shoulders and hands, and as long as we take Joint Advantage Gold, the joints don’t hurt as much. I’ve been working at the post office for 30 years (retiring this year). I’m also an artist. I paint every day. Joint Advantage Gold keeps my joints going and my fingers painting. It helps so much. My husband is 62, owns his own auto part fabrication business and works 6 days a week. Joint Advantage Gold gives us a better quality of life. With it, we can do what we want and live full lives. It’s that good.”

—Betty Wright, Tennessee

Floyd says great knees = more life!

“My knee joint pain made me extremely distressed, not only with the pain, but the thought of having to curtail my physical activities, such as 30- minute walks, NordicTrack workouts and golfing. Now, my knees do not go ‘snap, crackle and pop,’ and I have resumed all my physical activities.”

—Floyd Anderson, Georgia

Individual results will vary.

Lubrication: Did you know that a high dose of glucosamine actually helps lubricate the joints? And the Natural Eggshell Membrane in Joint Advantage Gold gives you hyaluronic acid and other great natural joint lubricators.

Joint Space: In a study of the 1,500 mg of glucosamine you get in Joint Advantage Gold, both men and women were able to maintain a healthy amount of space within their joints—even as they got older.

PLUS: Joint Advantage Gold is also excellent for pain and stiffness and helps you in so many other ways.

Join Advantage Major Benefit 5

Full-Strength Antioxidant
Protection for Your Joints

Most people, when they reach their 80s, don’t get around much anymore. That’s because it hurts! Aches, pains, and stiffness have no pity and won’t back off unless you do something now, so you can have a more comfortable future.

If you help your joints today, you can actually reverse the process that causes pain and stiffness. Wouldn’t you rather have more comfort and mobility to look forward to in the near future—rather than suffer discomfort as time goes on?

Let’s start giving your joints strong protection right now!

Your joints’ worst hidden enemy:

“You get the best results when you take Joint Advantage Gold every day. Do so, and the structure and function of your joints will be taken care of.”

The reason why most people have a harder time with aches and pains as they get older is what orthopedists call “normal joint wear and tear.”

I say, if ever-increasing wear and tear is “normal,” I’d rather be “abnormal” and have less! Finally, we have an effective way to slow joint wear and tear and start rebuilding your joints.

What you may not know, is that wear and tear isn’t just caused by daily use. There is another, major cause—namely free radicals attacking and destroying the individual cells in your joints over time.

All of your cartilage, bone, synovial fluid (joint lubricant), and supporting tendons and muscles are vulnerable to free radicals. One by one, these free radical chemicals burn out your joints’ cells in the same way that oxygen “rusts” an apple and slowly turns it brown.

Senior Couple on the Beach

The best antioxidants for your joints…

I purposefully included the strongest antioxidants for future joint protection in Joint Advantage Gold.

You may have heard that Vitamin C and Coenzyme Q10 are powerful antioxidants—and they are, but they don’t specifically help the joints.

For ongoing protection of the joints from free radicals, my top recommendations are: Boswellia; the four Australian herbs, Lemon Myrtle, Wild Rosella, Aniseed Myrtle and Tasmanian Mountain Pepper; and also the “European Blend” of herbs that I’ve included in Joint Advantage Gold. We give you ample amounts of all of them, so joint-ravaging free radicals in your body are kept in check from a number of different angles.

30 years from now, you’ll thank yourself!

Almost immediately, our heroic antioxidants will start eliminating the free radicals that are slowly eating away at your joints. And in the future when you’re enjoying a full life, you will definitely be glad you took action way back in 2008. When you’re a lot older and your joints feel just as solid, less stiff and painful, and are more mobile and flexible than they feel now, you will be very glad you took action to stop free radical wear and tear.

And the best way to thank yourself for taking good care of your joints is to go ahead and enjoy every single activity that gives you pleasure—without discomfort!

Order Now!
Male, Female, Young, Old:

Everyone is feeling better with
Joint Advantage Gold

Rob Maletick

Feeling jazzy once again !

“I'm a working musician, and I've been playing the saxophone for 18 years. About a year ago, I started experiencing pain in my hands. My wife, a professional colleague of Dr. Williams, gave me Joint Advantage Gold and within 2 days I noticed a big difference. My hand and fingers are less stiff, and that's really important to a musician!”

—Rob Maletick, Virginia

SallyAnn Phelps

Hands feel normal now!

“Over five years ago, I began showing signs of joint swelling in my hands and feet. I was also troubled with pain in the other joints. I took Joint Advantage Gold and all the redness, swelling, pain, and problems went away, particularly in my hands. It seems to be working well—I have discontinued my former glucosamine and chondroitin.

—SallyAnn Phelps, New Mexico

89 and gardening with gusto!

“I’m 89 and can move easily and without pain. My friends and new acquaintances say I don’t act any older than 60. My feet, ankles, and hands are fine. I work in my flower gardens, pick tomatoes, peppers, etc. I still drive my car and even run my garden mower. When I see and talk to people a number of years younger, I am really glad that I move faster and better. My 80-year-old friend says I walk circles around her.”

—Temple Madjeski, Maryland

Tyler Sturdevant

Winning gold medals at 78!

“At 78 years old, I usually come home with the gold medals whenever I compete in all the dash events at Senior Games. I never have a problem with my knees, hips, or ankles!”

—Tyler Sturdevant, Florida

C. Rising

Now I can pick up my cats without pain!

“I had stiffness in my fingers, and my lower back started aching terribly. Joint Advantage Gold works better than chiropractic. Now I can pick up my cats again without pain!”

—C. Rising, North Carolina

Charles Klein

Hot-rodding again!

“Within four days, my heels quit hurting and I could start walking again for exercise. I’m working around my garage on my old cars and hot rods again. Now I’m looking forward to the day’s activities instead of grimacing in pain.”

—Charles Klein, Ohio

My wrist pain is 95% gone!

“My wrist pain is 95% gone, enabling me to spend a lot of time knitting and crocheting. I keep active in my three-story condo and with my Shih Tzu dog. I am 80 years old and plan to be around a long time as healthy as I can be.”

—Mary Goodwin, Maryland

Order Now!!

Individual results will vary

Special Savings

when you request a
6-MONTH supply of Joint Advantage Gold

Lowest price per bottle!

Special Savings!

Enjoy all of the benefits of Joint Advantage Gold for six months and you’ll save over $114! Plus, you’ll get all three valuable handbooks AND get free shipping & handling!

Joint Advantage Gold gives you:

Check! Much less pain
Check! Rebuilt cartilage
Check! Better joint lubrication
Check! Much less stiffness
Check! More space within the joints

Check! More flexibility
Much less free radical activity
Check! Much more comfortable muscles
Check! Much greater mobility
Check! Much less inflammation

Order Now!

FREE Bonus
Handbook #1

If any of your joints are stiff or painful, you probably have
joint damage, wear & tear, or lost cartilage. We have brand-new ways to actually rebuild the structure of your joints, naturally. Do so, and your quality of life will improve dramatically. You’ll learn how to…

Stop inflammation and free radical damage:

First, let’s stop any further destruction of your joints. We have new natural ways to get rid of joint inflammation and eliminate the free radicals that are eating away at your joints.

Turn off arthritis:

Learn about the natural discoveries that work wonderfully for osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis. I’m sure you want to know about these excellent solutions…

Rebuild your lost cartilage:

Once your cartilage grows back, you won’t suffer the pain of bone rubbing against bone. You won’t believe how smoothly your joints can work!

Add joint padding and lubrication:

New natural ways to replenish your synovial fluid—the lubricant around your joints that dries up as we age.

Increase the space within your joints:

The beauty of restoring cartilage, synovial fluid, and other padding is that your joints’ moving parts will have more room to hinge, twist, and turn. That means a greater range of motion and much less stiffness!

Restore mobility:

You’ll definitely feel the difference as your joints are being rebuilt—not only will chronic pain fade away, but you’ll gain more and more ability to do activities that have been off limits to you for years!

Order Now!!

Stop Your Back Pain

This master guide reveals the most effective way to stop each specific back pain, ache, and kind of stiffness you may have!

Stop muscle SPASMS in their tracks!

Next time you’re hit with a spasm out of the blue, you’ll be back to normal within minutes, rather than spending days feeling stiff and sore.

LOW BACK bliss:

Stop low back pain by eliminating the tight hamstrings factor, plus the secret to unclenching the muscles around your lower vertebrae.

DECOMPRESS your entire spine!

A new way to decompress your aching back in the comfort of your own home, as you relax!

Untie KNOTS in your back and shoulders:

A breakthrough that stops knots from happening and quickly “unties” the knots you have.

SORENESS dissolved immediately!

This incredible new lotion works on stiffness, soreness, and pain instantly AND moisturizes your skin like no product you’ve ever tried.


Stop Your Back Pain

If you NEVER want to endure hip or knee surgery, read this guide immediately! This can save you from a lot of discomfort, expense and time in the hospital!

First of all, you may not need joint replacement!

About 90% of people who are persuaded to get joint replacement don’t really need it. Find out if YOU are one of them!

Build stronger, not weaker joints:

Don’t just accept “normal wear and tear.” Here are the secrets to stronger joints, starting today.

Exercises INSTEAD OF surgery:

Surgeons won’t tell you that these specific exercises could have prevented surgery in the first place!


to these two common pain medications that can actually damage your joint surfaces to the extent you may need surgery.


Meet Dr. David G. Williams

Dr. David Williams

You walk into a health food store and the intelligent-looking guy behind the counter puts down what he’s reading. He smiles, says hello, and asks if he can help you. Chances are, he was reading Dr. David Williams’ ALTERNATIVES newsletter when you walked in.

In fact, if you ask people in the natural healing professions— nutritionists, osteopaths, chiropractors, yoga instructors, massage therapists— they’ll tell you that Dr. Williams is the expert they personally rely on to learn about new solutions that can help their own patients. Many M.D.s also subscribe to keep up with the future of natural medicine.

These professionals know very well what’s different about Dr. Williams. From him, they first hear about cures and prevention techniques from remote parts of the world that you just won’t find in any medical journal or “commercial” health newsletter.

Every so often, Dr. Williams uncovers a true breakthrough in healing that’s completely new to Americans—such as the Australian herbs and Natural Eggshell Membrane in Joint Advantage Gold. If Dr. Williams believes we are missing out on something that could dramatically improve our health, he’ll work with the inventors or even with local farmers to bring this breakthrough remedy to the American consumer, at a reasonable price.

Quality Gate Keeper:

Dr. David Williams

Dr. Williams is notorious for being demanding about details and quality. He won’t recommend any new natural remedy until he has personally investigated every important fact, laboratory study, and piece of clinical evidence. When Dr. Williams finally announces that something new works better than the old way, medical professionals listen. David Williams says it best, “I do years of research to triple-check the facts, because the last question I always ask myself is, would I give this remedy to my own mom? Would it help her? Could she take it in complete safety? With Joint Advantage Gold, the answer is YES, without hesitation.”

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Special Offer

Save 46% on Joint Advantage Gold

And get FREE shipping too!

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You'll save $114.84 and receive…

A 6-month supply of Joint Advantage Gold!
Check! The lowest price per bottle!
Check! All three valuable handbooks, FREE!
Check! FREE Shipping and Handling!

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3-Pack Saver:

3 Pack Saver

  • Low price per bottle, only $24.99!
  • You won’t run out for 3 months!
  • Two FREE handbooks!
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Single Bottle Offer:

Single Bottle Offer

  • Only $27.99 per bottle!
  • FREE copy of Rebuild Your Joints
  • FREE shipping & handling!

Thank you for your Order

Guaranteed 100%
To Work Better

We guarantee that Joint Advantage Gold will work better than ANY natural solution you’ve ever taken for your joints, and will effectively reduce aches, pains, and stiffness in every trouble spot in your body.

Your back, hips, knees, elbows, hands, shoulders—all your moving parts will feel much better very soon.

Plus, you will gain mobility, flexibility, and antioxidant protection for your joints like never before. And you will soon start REBUILDING WORN AND DAMAGED CARTILAGE better than with any other nutritional supplement!!

If you are unsatisfied or change your mind for any reason at all, simply call us and we’ll refund your payment promptly and in full. PLUS, you can keep all three handbooks as our gift, free of charge.

That’s right—you can even change your mind after you take the last tablet in the very last bottle and get a FULL refund. Joint Advantage Gold is truly that effective.

You will love how Joint Advantage Gold helps you, or it’s completely free!

Dr. David G. Williams

Dr. David G. Williams

Order Now!

Joint Advantage Gold isn’t just another
solution—it’s all 15 of the world’s best solutions in one!”

Order Joint Advantage Gold Today!
Special 46% Savings!



Your reward for responding within 7 days!

Check!YES, I’d like to try Joint Advantage Gold!

I want to reduce chronic inflammation and get rid of aches, pain, stiffness, and discomfort in all of my joints, throughout my body. I want to rebuild worn and damaged cartilage better than any separate glucosamine, chondroitin, or bovine cartilage supplement ever could. And I want healthy, fully-functioning joints from now on!

6 month offer

6-Month Super Savings—46% Special Discount:

I’ll try Joint Advantage Gold for six months for only $134.94. I save a grand total of $114.84! I get FREE SHIPPING and free copies of ALL THREE HANDBOOKS, including Stop Your Back Pain, REBUILD Your Joints Naturally, and How to Avoid Hip & Knee Replacement.

Item # JG67 $134.94 Add to Cart
3 month offer

3-Month Savings:

Send me a three-month supply of Joint Advantage Goldfor only $74.97 and free copies of both REBUILD Your Joints Naturally and How to Avoid Hip & Knee Replacement, plus FREE shipping & handling.

Item # JG38 $74.97 Add to Cart

1 Month offer

Let me try Joint Advantage Gold
for only $27.99

Send me a whole month’s supply of Joint Advantage Gold for only $27.99. I also get FREE SHIPPING and free copy of REBUILD Your Joints Naturally.

Item # JG17 $27.99 Add to Cart

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