Free On-Line Health Alert exposes a massive,
billion dollar cover-up by the Medical Establishment
Why conventional wisdom about
blood sugar and your health
is wrong, wrong and wrong again!
Whether or not you’ve ever had trouble with your
blood sugar, cholesterol, weight or energy,
this news could be a lifesaver for you!
By Dr. David Field
One of America’s leading natural health doctors, specialist in
therapeutic nutrition and California’s first licensed naturopathic doctor
Dear Friend,
It’s shocking: About half of the patients I see have blood sugar problems, and most of them haven’t a clue about why they’re suffering.
Worse, more than 73 million Americans who are tormented by blood sugar problems are in the dark, too.
A big reason? They’ve been following conventional wisdom and putting their faith in conventional treatments, only to be exposing their health to much greater risks. For example…
- Conventional wisdom says if you’re not having symptoms, your blood sugar problems are not a big deal. WRONG!
While conventional wisdom about blood sugar problems has been wrong, you can balance your blood sugar safely and naturally with the new discovery I’ll tell you about.
When I tell patients they have blood sugar problems, many tell me, “That can’t be. I don’t have any symptoms such as excessive thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue or blurry vision.”
The truth is, blood sugar problems can go unnoticed for years. Left unchecked, they can wreak havoc on your body—eventually destroying your kidneys, your eyes, your heart, or your circulation—and you may not even know it until it’s too late.
It may take decades for little sugar deposits to do their damage, but if ignored, they will cause you major health problems.
- Conventional wisdom says low-fat dieting can control your blood sugar. WRONG!
Patients assume, “If I could just eat more low-fat foods, I’ll be okay.”
But what you’re not hearing is that low-fat diets can actually make your blood sugar problems worse. That’s because meals without fat pass out of your stomach more rapidly and get absorbed more quickly—creating blood sugar “spikes.” Too many of these spikes can lead to elevated blood sugar problems.
What you eat is important, but low-fat dieting alone won’t be the answer to all your blood sugar problems.
- Conventional wisdom says natural solutions just won’t work for blood sugar problems. WRONG again!
Many of my patients initially believe, “I need something stronger than what nature can offer to help me with my blood sugar problems.”
That’s because the Medical Establishment has done a good job of brainwashing the American public and making them dependent on expensive, conventional solutions that make up a multi billion dollar-a-year business.
But as you’re about to see in this Special Alert, new natural solutions for blood sugar problems are powerful and proven effective by clinical studies and scientific research.
Bottom line: It’s now possible for you to take control of your blood sugar, glucose and insulin—and boost your overall health. All safely, naturally and affordably.
The best way to start is…
A powerful new natural discovery
for balancing your blood sugar
that’s even bigger news
than the discovery of insulin!
15 years of blood sugar problems, gone!
25-point drop in two months!
Great results in two weeks!
Eighty-five years ago, insulin was the biggest news story of its time. Now, I’m about to introduce you to a new nutritional discovery that’s even bigger news—one that boosts your health in all of these ways. It…
- Helps balance your blood sugar…
- Aids your body in controlling insulin and using it more effectively…
- Helps keep your cholesterol healthy…
- Supports healthy weight loss and reduces cravings…
- Increases your energy levels and lessens energy crashes…
- Stimulates your mind and regulates your moods…
- And protects your heart, eyes, kidneys and overall health…
…all without expensive conventional treatments and potentially harmful side effects, without seeing a doctor, and even without changing your diet.
Hard to believe? I don’t blame you for being skeptical. But please, hear me out. This breakthrough is backed by stunning scientific research… traditional healing wisdom… and proven results I’ve seen with my own eyes.
The story behind this breakthrough begins with…
A chemist’s accidental discovery
The search for natural ways to help keep your blood sugar normal has been going on in earnest for decades.
Recently, researchers have cracked the code on blood sugar problems. And it’s changing the way we doctors address unbalanced blood sugar and its related health calamities.
One of the most significant findings recently came about… by accident!
Scientists at the Maryland-based Human Nutrition Research Center were studying the effects of common foods on blood sugar.
Dr. Richard Anderson, lead scientist and chemist, says that when patients were given apple pie to eat, everybody figured it’d be bad for their blood sugar. But to their surprise, apple pie actually improved their blood sugar levels!
Further investigation revealed that the cinnamon in the apple pie helps regulate blood sugar in ways previously unknown to nutritional science.
But cinnamon is only one of several nutrients on the cutting edge of natural health that give you new choices for blood sugar problems.
In this Special Alert, I’m going to tell you more about cinnamon and six other nutritional discoveries for healthy blood sugar you probably haven’t heard much about before.
What’s more, I’m going to introduce you to…
An advanced solution
for balancing your blood sugar that’s my No. 1 recommendation
It’s a brand new nutritional formula called Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™—and I’ve never been more excited about any natural discovery than this one.
I’ve seen dozens of blood sugar formulas come and go, but this one is exceptional. For the first time, seven of the most powerful nutrients for balancing your blood sugar have been combined into one advanced, scientifically-backed formula.
Nothing I’ve ever seen directly addresses the causes of unbalanced blood sugar so powerfully. If there was only one nutrient, vitamin or natural formula you could take for your blood sugar, Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ would be it.
Now, let me tell you about its seven unique blood sugar-controlling ingredients—plus the scientific evidence and traditional healing wisdom behind each one—starting with…
An amazing herb nicknamed the “sugar destroyer”
For generations, people in India have used the herb Gymnema sylvestre to help control their blood sugar.
The single supplement
Imagine one single natural supplement that can help… |
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In fact, the leaves of this woody climbing plant are prized in Ayurvedic medicine, the holistic system of healing developed in India some 5,000 years ago.
Gymnema sylvestre is also referred to as “gurmar,” which means “destroyer of sugar” in Hindi. The name comes from the way the leaves, when chewed, interfere with your ability to taste sweetness. But as you’ll now see, Gymnema sylvestre does so much more.
In recent years, scientists and doctors have begun to study the marvelous health-giving effects of Gymnema sylvestre. And here’s what we now know. This remarkable herb helps…
- Balance your fasting blood sugar level
- Control your hemoglobin A1c levels (average blood sugar for three months)
- Improve your body’s glycemic control
- Increase the effectiveness of insulin
These benefits are possible because Gymnema sylvestre:
- Contains gymnemic acids, which are known to suppress absorption of glucose in your blood stream
- Assists your pancreas in producing more insulin to balance blood sugar
- Decreases the sensation of sweetness in many foods
Great results
from my own patients
and from clinical studies
I’ve seen great results with my own patients using Gymnema sylvestre. They’ve had better control over their short- and long-term blood sugar levels than ever before.
What’s more, these findings are backed by numerous clinical studies.
- One of America's leading natural health doctors
- California's first licensed naturopathic doctor
- Member, American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- Member, California Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Specialist in therapeutic nutrition, clinical herbology, homeopathy and acupuncture
In one study(1), 400 mg of Gymnema sylvestre extract was given daily to patients concerned about their blood sugar. The control group took a placebo.
After the study period of six to 30 months, those taking Gymnema sylvestre showed positive results for their blood glucose and insulin levels, while the control group showed no significant results.
And in another study(2), patients with blood sugar concerns took 400 mg of Gymnema sylvestre extract daily for 18-20 months, along with their oral medications.
This group saw positive results for fasting blood sugar, HbA1C (which measures average blood sugar for the past three months) and release of insulin.
As good as Gymnema sylvestre is, I believe you’ll get even better results when you take it in combination with the other unique ingredients found in Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™. This leads me to…
An exciting scientific breakthrough
for mastering your insulin
If you want to keep your blood sugar naturally balanced, then you must control your body’s insulin levels.
As you may know, insulin is a natural hormone found in your body. It’s the “master hormone” of our metabolism because it controls blood sugar levels, plus many other aspects of carbohydrate breakdown, fat burning and energy production.
How important is insulin? Absolutely essential. In fact, if your insulin levels are deficient, you will have blood sugar problems, weight problems and other health problems, guaranteed.
Best blood sugar reading in years!
Very pleased with lower blood sugar!
The good news is, the second ingredient found in the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ is chromium, which enhances insulin function in your body.
Evidence so far suggests that chromium strengthens certain effects of insulin in your body’s cells and plays a key role in increasing your body’s sensitivity to insulin.
The result? Balanced blood sugar… fewer sugar cravings and energy crashes… and improved fat metabolism, to name a few.
More important, chromium is critical for healthy insulin function. Without enough chromium in your body, insulin just doesn’t work right.
Shockingly, studies show that 90 percent of the adult population in America have deficient levels. Could this be why so many people have blood sugar problems?
Medical studies document stunning results, starting with an 85 percent success rate
In one significant study(3), 833 patients with blood sugar concerns took 500 mcg of chromium twice daily. The results of this 10-month study? Excellent results in both fasting blood sugar levels and post-meal blood sugar levels, with no negative side effects.
Even better, more than 85 percent of patients reported improvements in problems such as excessive thirst, frequent urination and fatigue.
In another eye-opening, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial(4), patients in danger of developing blood sugar problems took either 1,000 mcg per day of chromium or a placebo, for eight months.
Those taking chromium showed significant improvement in insulin sensitivity at four and eight months—plus, no change in body fat distribution. This suggests that chromium can beneficially affect your insulin, independent of changes in your weight or body fat.
But that’s not all. Besides Gymnema sylvestre and chromium, the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ formula also includes…
The exotic Far East discovery that
mimics insulin
Chances are good you’ve never heard about the third ingredient in the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™, banaba leaf extract. But to people living in the Philippines, South Asia and India, it’s been a Godsend.
Traditionally, people have brewed a banaba leaf tea to help control blood sugar, and it’s hailed as a medicinal plant among natural healers.
Medical scientists believe that banaba leaf’s beneficial effects on blood sugar are due to its high concentration of corosolic acid, a natural compound extracted from its leaves.
Corosolic acid has the unique ability to stimulate glucose transport into cells. Simply put, it moves more sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells, thus helping to balance your blood sugar.
In fact, the effect of banaba leaf on blood sugar mimics that of insulin—and that’s why it has caught the attention of doctors like me.
As I dug into the medical and scientific research, it became clear that banaba leaf works effectively for balancing blood sugar.
For example, in one study(5), patients with blood sugar concerns took a supplement containing banaba leaf or a placebo three times a day for four weeks.
The placebo group had no change, but the banaba leaf group achieved very good results for blood sugar balancing.
You’ll get slimmer and trimmer, too!
In addition, banaba leaf extract can help keep your blood sugar fluctuations under tighter control.
The result? A significant tendency of banaba to promote healthy weight loss—an average of two to four pounds a month! And when you combine banaba leaf with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you’ll get slimmer and trimmer.
Now if the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ only included Gymnema sylvestre… chromium… and banaba leaf extract, it’d be an excellent formula. But it’s much more than that, as you’re about to see.
The 2,000-year-old
traditional secret
for healthy blood sugar, cholesterol and more
The fourth exclusive ingredient in the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ is a food and spice prized in many parts of the world: Fenugreek seed.
For more than 2,000 years, fenugreek seed has been used by practitioners of Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine.
But it’s come to the forefront the past two decades because research shows it helps balance your blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.
In one study(7), patients with blood sugar concerns were divided into two groups. Group One received one gram of fenugreek seed extract and Group Two received the usual care (dietary control, exercise) and a placebo capsule for two months.
The result? Group One patients saw more positive results for blood sugar, insulin resistance, cholesterol and triglycerides, compared to Group Two.
In addition, three more studies (8,9,10) confirm that fenugreek seed extract helps stabilize blood sugar in patients with blood sugar and insulin problems.
Why such results? The seeds of fenugreek are rich in dietary fiber and other natural compounds, which help balance your blood sugar.
If that’s not enough, the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ includes…
The super spice that balances blood sugar and gives you up to a 20-fold burst of energy!
“My blood sugar is normal, and I feel
darn good!”
Wonderful help!
Earlier I told you that the accidental discovery of the effect of cinnamon on blood sugar has been a key breakthrough in the search for natural solutions for blood sugar problems. And here’s why it’s the fifth exclusive ingredient in Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™.
Once chemist Richard Anderson and his co-workers at the Human Nutrition Research Center found that the cinnamon in apple pie had positive effects on blood sugar, they investigated this popular spice.
They learned that cinnamon makes your fat cells more responsive to insulin, which regulates sugar metabolism and thus controls how much glucose is in your blood.
More important, cinnamon actually increases glucose metabolism—the process your cells use to convert glucose to energy.
Their key discovery: The most active compound in cinnamon—methyhydroxy chalcone polymer (MHCP)—increases glucose metabolism up to 20-fold!
More important, after testing some 50 plant extracts, none came close to MHCP’s affect on glucose metabolism.
What this means is, cinnamon not only helps balance your blood sugar—but it can give you as much as a 20-fold burst in energy!
Solid research behind the use of cinnamon
But how would cinnamon fare when tested scientifically? Very well. In fact, numerous studies I’ve reviewed document its remarkable benefits.
For instance, in one double-blind, placebo-controlled study(11) by Dr. Anderson, patients with blood sugar concerns received one, three or six grams of cinnamon or one, three or six grams of a placebo for 40 days. Researchers took blood measurements at 0, 20, 40 and 60 days.
The placebo patients showed no significant changes in blood glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol.
But those taking cinnamon had positive results in their blood glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol readings.
What’s more, some results were better at 60 days than 40, showing a long-term improvement even after patients stopped taking cinnamon!
In addition, a published research paper(12) documents that cinnamon extracts act as an “insulin mimetic”—that is, a substance that has cellular effects similar to those of insulin itself.
Plus, laboratory tests(13) suggest that cinnamon is far more effective than any other plant in its insulin-like properties.
And if that’s not enough, the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ formula also includes…
A little-known fruit that delivers “sweet” results
Unknown to most people in the West, bitter melon has long been used in South America and the Orient as a food and natural medicine.
But we doctors began to pay special attention to it when scientific studies revealed its marvelous benefits on blood sugar.
For example, two studies(14,15) show that bitter melon could play a key role in helping to balance insulin in your body—which of course means healthy blood sugar control.
In another study(16), bitter melon was shown to have positive effects on the serum glucose levels of those taking it, following both fasting and eating.
This is why bitter melon is the sixth exclusive ingredient in the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ formula.
Amazed my doctor!
No change in diet!
There’s no question in my mind that these six ingredients: Gymnema sylvestre…chromium… banaba leaf extract… fenugreek seed extract… cinnamon… and bitter melon are nature’s best discoveries ever to help balance your blood sugar and boost your health.
But the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ is even better, because it also includes…
A bonus ingredient: Nature’s No. 1 cholesterol breakthrough
As a “kicker,” this unique formula also includes policosanol.
Made from the wax of sugar cane, policosanol has made headline news because of its positive effects on cholesterol. And because so many people who worry about their blood sugar also worry about their cholesterol, adding policosanol to the Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ was a stroke of genius.
Policosanol is hailed as nature’s No. 1 cholesterol breakthrough because it helps block synthesis of bad cholesterol and helps keep your heart and arteries healthy.
What’s more, it helps keep cholesterol healthy without impairing glycemic control—which is great news if you’re concerned about your blood sugar.
In one eye-opening study,(17) 239 patients with blood sugar concerns took 5 mg a day of policosanol or a placebo for two years, following five weeks of a step-one cholesterol-lowering diet.
After one year, those taking policosanol saw positive effects on their LDL, HDL and total cholesterol levels, with no significant change in their lipid (or fat) profiles.
But there’s one more secret that makes this new formula so powerful.
You could go out and buy each of these seven unique ingredients separately and take them every day. But that’d be lots of work and a huge expense.
So you’ll appreciate how the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ blends all seven of these unique ingredients into one proprietary formula—and at a fraction of the cost of buying them separately.
This one-of-a-kind formula combines the purest forms of these ingredients… dosages based on the latest medical research… and the latest technologies in nutritional science.
Most important, these seven unique ingredients have been carefully blended to give you a synergistic benefit—that is, I believe you get better results taking them as a whole than you would taking each ingredient separately.
That’s the magic of nutritional science, and the main reason I’m so excited about the Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ formula. The best news of all is, after years of research and development…
This new, advanced formula is now available to you
Your “best deal” includes special savings, four FREE bottles and three more FREE Gifts!
Special arrangements have been made for you to try the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ at a discounted price, AND receive up to $286.65 in saving and valuable FREE Gifts.
For example, your “best deal” offer includes:
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FREE Special Report No. 2: Natural Miracles to Help Control Your Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar, a $19.95 value. Many of my patients who struggle with blood sugar problems also struggle with cholesterol and blood pressure problems. That’s why this report is so valuable. It reveals the powerful natural breakthroughs that’ll soon make headline news. | |
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That’s a grand total of savings and FREE Gifts of $286.65!
Click Here Now to try Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ RISK-FREE! Or to place your order with a friendly customer service representative call toll-free 1-800-471-4007.
What’s more, your order is protected by…
A 100%, no-risk, money-back Guarantee of triple satisfaction—For Life!
You won’t risk one penny by trying the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ today. That’s because when you order, you’re protected three ways:
Guarantee No. 1: Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ is guaranteed to help
balance your blood sugar… control your insulin… boost your energy… and support normal cholesterol and weight loss so you’ll feel better than you have in years—or your money back.
Guarantee No. 2: Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ is guaranteed to be carefully formulated based on the latest scientific information from only the purest, highest-quality, most natural forms of ingredients we’ve sourced. The formula is free of artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, sugars, starches, fillers or chemical additives—or your money back.
Guarantee No. 3: Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ is guaranteed to meet and exceed our high quality standards. Every ingredient is tested and retested to ensure that you get exactly what we promise—the highest quality nutrition possible in each and every capsule—or your money back.
In fact, should you be dissatisfied with Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ for any reason, you may return any unused bottles—any time—for a full, 100% refund. This is not a limited guarantee but a full, 100% money-back guarantee for life. That’s how sure we are you’ll be happy with this product. Should you cancel, all FREE Gifts are yours to keep. No questions asked.
Click Here Now to try Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ RISK-FREE! Or to place your order with a friendly customer service representative call toll-free 1-800-471-4007.
Put the power of nutritional science to work for you and balance your blood sugar
As I mentioned earlier, the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ may well be the biggest breakthrough for balancing blood sugar since the discovery of insulin. It’s that good.
What’s more, no other formula I’ve ever seen combines seven of the most advanced nutritional discoveries known to medical science in the exact forms and dosages you need to…
- Help balance your blood sugar…
- Aid your body in controlling insulin and using it more effectively…
- Help keep your cholesterol healthy…
- Support healthy weight and reduces cravings…
- Increase your energy levels and lessen energy crashes…
- Stimulate your mind and regulate your moods…
- Protect your heart, eyes and kidneys…
- And lift your overall health to new heights!
Why go through the hassle of buying the unique ingredients found in this formula separately? And why try to balance your blood sugar and control your cholesterol, weight and energy on your own?
Let the new Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ do all the hard work for you.
Click Here Now to try Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ RISK-FREE! Or to place your order with a friendly customer service representative call toll-free 1-800-471-4007.
Remember, this exciting breakthrough is backed by…
- Stunning scientific research…
- Traditional healing wisdom…
- And proven results I’ve seen with my own eyes, in hundreds of grateful patients…
So don’t delay. Click Here to order today.
Yours for better health the natural way,
Dr. David Field
P.S. SPECIAL PRICE BREAK: To fight the rising cost of vitamins, special arrangements have been made for you to SAVE EXTRA MONEY on the “Best Value” offer. You’ll save $120.00 on a 12-bottle order, plus get FOUR FREE BOTTLES. That’s 16 bottles in all at the lowest price per bottle.
P.P.S. Fast Response Bonus: Order today, Thursday, October 16, 2008, and receive an extra FREE Gift—Free Report: Nature’s Secrets for Sweeping Plaque, Cholesterol and Toxins From Your Arteries, a $19.95 value, yours FREE! But hurry. We must receive your order today, Thursday, October 16, 2008.
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