Below are the folk remedies submitted by our readers to cure acid reflux. If this is the first time you are researching home remedies for acid reflux, you may be surprised to find that the top remedy is vinegar! However, once you read our extensive reader feedback section, you will see that vinegar seems to be the best home remedies to cure this condition.
• Click here to read our Acid Reflux Fact Sheet

In case you were wondering -- we don't sell apple cider vinegar! In fact, we don't sell anything on this site. If you want to know what brand of apple cider vinegar to drink, test them all and see which one your body responds to best... A large bottle of organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar will cost you $3.00 - $4.00 tops. It's a very cheap cure!
2 Teaspoons of ACV in water, 3x a day. Take a stronger concoction (more vinegar, less water) directly after a heavy meal if you are treating acid reflux.
Recipe #2 -- A MORE POTENT CURE FOR ACID REFLUX: Ted writes, "My remedy for acid reflux is baking soda, or ACV plus baking soda only. Rarely will ACV alone work." Ted has given us a fantastic recipe for Acid Reflux (combination ACV and baking soda). In fact, this remedy seems to do a better job curing Acid Reflux and GERD than plain old Apple Cider Vinegar! Click here for the formula and people's comments, including side effects.
Recipe #3: Apple Cider Vinegar +++
5/16/2007: Dee from Fairfax, VA writes: I'd been having terrible heartburn for over a week. So bad that that my kids and husband were very worried. A few years ago I had six ulcers! But didn't want to start the standard gastro treatments lansoprazole or purple pills - I'm well aware of the downsides to them. My gastric problem was probably caused by my ADHD, I frequently forget to eat because I get so hyperfocused I don't notice I'm hungry!So, I went looking for a homeopathic cure and found your website. I read a whole bunch of stuff and probably confused one thing with another nevertheless this is what happened: I made the ACV mixture adding the Baking Soda also 2 tbsp Aloe juice; 1 tbsp of organic honey; 1 tbsp of Virgin Coconut Oil (using warm water, which melts the honey and VCO). I tried with and without the VCO and for those who find the ACV drink unpalatable the VCO helps alot! The heartburn stopped in 24 hours! Major miracle. I felt focused, relaxed, energetic and pain free. The only side effect of note was/is gas. Is this from the VCO? Is there anything I can do about that? And is it OK to blend all this together? Should I be drinking it before or after or with a meal? I don't know about the other magical effects of VCO its only been 2 days! Thanks for this great site, its already helped me a lot!"
1/19/2008: Fred from Rowland, PA writes: "Thank you so much for these remedys. I've just spent a miserable week with sporadic stomach spasms turning into constant spasms and a flaming, burning pit in my stomach. I drank cider with slippery elm, olive oil and grapefruit juice, took TUMS, drank club soda...I did eveything natural because I didn't wat to go to the doctor for the little purple pill Nexium. While writhing in pain, I did a search on acid reflux and natural remedies. I found your site and I used remedy #3 with vinegar, honey, aloe and baking soda. I gulped the concoction down and despite the usual horrendous spasms I had endured all week, I knew something was different because I didn't barf immediately (I wasn't able to keep food or water down). Miraculously, within 2 hours I was myself again with only a periodic spasm or two. Thank you so much for your website. I'll recommend this remedy and site to anyone in need."
Recipe #4: Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Pepper
5/17/2007: Rechell from Montgomery , Alabama writes: "I have tried two tbls of ACV, with an half tbls of cayenne pepper in a half of cup of hot natural spring water every night before bed for my Acid reflux and this remedy works wonderful. i have tried other over the counters prescriptions and my Doctors way and nothing seems to calm it down until now. At first my taste buds had to get use to it, it does gives you an tingling feeling on your tongue and down your throat, but the results is worth it."
Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar : If you are experiencing a burning tongue or acid / metallic taste in your mouth after taking Apple Cider Vinegar, click here to read the antidote.
More reading: our main, Apple Cider Vinegar Page.
new! Apple Cider Vinegar & Baking Soda Reader Feedback page.
1/18/2008: James from Houston, TX writes: "Hi I have occasional acid refulx and my wife has it severe at times. DO NOT TAKE ACV for Acid Reflux! It just doesn't make any sense. Acid Reflux is an Acid - you neutralize Acids with Bases (Alkaline).
pH less than 7 = Acidic, pH > 7 = Basic (Alkaline). Vinegar pH = 3ish
An antacid is any substance, generally a base, which counteracts stomach acidity. In other words, antacids are stomach acid neutralizers. I truly believe that adding an ACID to your stomach to reduce Stomach Acid is the wrong approach. You should add a BASE like baking soda. Rolaids & Tums are both Calcium Carbonate. Alka-Seltzer is Soduim BiCarbonate. Baking Soda = Sodium BiCarbonate. In the duodenum, gastric acid is neutralized by sodium bicarbonate. So Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is used internally by the body to naturally regulate stomach Acid. The equation is HCl + NaHCO3 → NaCl + H2CO3. HCL = HydroChloric (Stomach) acid
NaHC03 = Baking Soda.
Just add a little bit of baking soda to some water, swirl it around, and drink it. Within a few minutes you will belch. The belch is the gas released when the baking soda neutralizes your stomach acid (or if its crept into your throat it will neutralize it there). You will feel much better immediately. Baking Soda is completely safe.
Why would you ever want to add an acid (vinegar) to another acid (HCL) with the hopes of reducing acid? That doesn't make any sense.
Vinegar is acetic acid (CH3COOH). Some of these recipies recommend you add Baking Soda to ACV. When vinegar is added to sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), it produces a volatile mixture of carbonic acid rapidly decomposing into water and carbon dioxide bubbles, making the reaction "fizz". It is exemplified as the typical acid-base reaction in school science experiments. The salt that is formed is sodium acetate. Basically, this little experiment proves that its better to just take baking soda. The Vinegar is the acid and the Baking Soda is the base. The Baking Soda neutralizes the acid. Its the same way in your stomach, just add the Baking Soda and it will neutralize the acid. All you need is about a teaspoon of baking soda in an ounce or two of water. Problem solved immediately.
Good luck and I hope this helps."
EC: Please read the side effects of baking soda as reported by our readers.
Pasted from <http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/acid_reflux.html>
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