Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The UltraMind Solution

This is the essential guide to unleashing the body’s hidden ability to dramatically improve mood, memory and thinking speed.

Mehmet C. Oz, M.D., Author of You: the Owner’s Manual

The UltraMind Solution: The Simple Plan to Sharpen Your Mind; Boost Your Mood; Increase Your Memory; and Even Reverse Autism, ADD, Depression, Alzheimer’s and More…”

Imagine a state of mind that is happy, peaceful, deeply calm, totally centered and at the same time sharp, focused, alert and wide-awake.

This can now be yours when your order a copy of The UltraMind Solution today…

Order Now

Order today from this special link and download Dr. Hyman’s special companion workbook.

Mark Hyman, M.D.
Founder and Medical Director
The UltraWellness Center, Lenox, MA

The most important medical discovery of our lifetime is also the biggest secret.

This secret reveals the REAL reasons we are sick and why we suffer from an epidemic of brain problems…

…everything from depression to dementia, from anxiety to autism, from memory problems to mood swings and from brain fog to trouble concentrating.

In fact, we’re in the middle of the greatest medical revolution of the last 100 years – it’s the medical equivalent to Columbus saying the world was round, not flat.

And this revolution shows us that there IS hope…

…hope for our children with ADD, autism and Asperger’s, who have problems concentrating, staying focused and controlling their behaviors…

…hope for our aging parents, who are suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and whose lives are quietly slipping away…

…hope for those of us who suffer from depression, anxiety and brain fog and have problems remembering things and dealing with stress and mood swings.

What if you were told that the way you think about disease, mental illness and your brain aging actually has NOTHING to do with how your body actually works?

The secret you’re about to learn is this…your mood and memory problems, your trouble focusing, your ADD and depression are NOT all in your head.

They’re in your BODY.

By Fixing Your Body, You Will
Automatically Fix Your Broken Brain

You are about to learn how 7 remarkable breakthroughs can give you back your brain and allow you to fully enjoy life and regain your energy, memory, focus and joy.

You can’t treat mental illness effectively ONLY with drugs or psychotherapy, but you can fix your broken brain by balancing the 7 core biological systems at the root of all illness and disease.

In a minute, I’ll share with you exactly what these 7 core systems are and show you the path to a mind that’s calm, focused, alert and happy – a path to an UltraMind.

This is the basis of my 20+ years practicing medicine and my new book, The UltraMind Solution.

How Can 7 Systems Be at
the Root of All Disease?

It’s because the way we think about disease is all wrong.

We say that if you feel sad and hopeless, you HAVE depression. But depression doesn’t CAUSE those symptoms. It’s simply the label we put on people who HAVE those symptoms.

People suffer from conditions such as depression, autism and dementia, but the names we give diseases tell us absolutely NOTHING about their real reasons or causes.

DISEASES DON’T EXIST! Well, at least not in the way we think they do. They are instead imbalances in the 7 core biological systems of the body.

Unless You Know the Cause,
You Can’t Fix Your Problem

It’s the same thing with our broken brains.

So, how do we fix our broken brain? It’s very simple. We have to balance the 7 biological systems at the root of all disease. (More on these in a second.)

The key is this: Only if you fix your body (and it can be fixed) will you fix your brain.

How do I know this?

Not only did I fix my own broken brain during my process of successfully recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome (one of the most mysterious and hardest illnesses to treat), but over the last 20 years, I’ve worked as the co-medical director at Canyon Ranch, and now as the medical director and founder of The UltraWellness Center, helping literally thousands of people heal from anxiety, depression, autism, dementia and many other symptoms of broken brains.

Let me share a story that showed me in a powerful way how the body is REALLY connected to the brain.

How an Exasperated Professional Woman
Discovered the Answer That Wiped Out
Her 12-Year-Old Son’s ADHD

Clayton, labeled with a multitude of psychological and physical diagnoses by a number of highly specialized physicians, seemed to be a walking embodiment of “bad luck; poor kid.”

In the realm of psychiatry, Clayton was “diagnosed” with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a behavioral disorder. He could not focus in school, “zoned out” and was disruptive.

As with many children labeled with ADHD or on the autism spectrum, Clayton’s writing was nearly illegible. On the other hand, he excelled in math.

Physically, Clayton was diagnosed with asthma, and suffered from “environmental” allergies, sinus congestion, postnasal drip, sore throats, eczema, nausea, stomach pains, diarrhea, headaches, canker sores, muscle aches, muscle cramps, hypersensitivity to noises and smells, sneezing, hives, itchy skin with bumps, and frequent infections.

He slept poorly and had trouble breathing when he did sleep. He also suffered from anxiety, fearfulness and carbohydrate cravings. All his symptoms were being treated with 7 different medications prescribed by 5 different doctors.

These included Ritalin for ADHD, allergy medicine, inhalers for his asthma and hives, acid-blocking medication for his stomach problems, and painkillers for his headaches.

This is quite a drug cocktail for a 12-year-old. Yet he didn’t experience much relief from his physical, mental or behavioral symptoms. But this is how we approach a problem in medicine – divide it up into parts, farm them out and pile on the pills.

What a Life for
Clayton and His Family!

When Clayton’s mother found me, she was tired and frustrated. As we began to dig below the surface, we found and treated the causes of his symptoms – which were the 7 keys to an UltraMind.

Here is how we fixed Clayton…

Click on the right arrow button above to start playing the video.

(Play time: 2 minutes 33 seconds.)

A Little Boy’s Remarkable Recovery from ADHD

Click the play button to listen to the whole story of how Clayton:

  • Stopped taking ALL medications
  • Eliminated all chronic symptoms
  • Started showing normal behavior
  • Wiped away irritability and anxiety
  • Became social for the first time

Listen as Clayton’s mother Audrey explains the dramatic changes they witnessed after putting Clayton on The UltraMind Solution.

Clayton did not have a neurologic or psychiatric “disease.” He had a “broken brain” caused by nutritional imbalance; toxicity; and altered immune, neurotransmitter and digestive functions. Treating those root causes and correcting the imbalances led to the resolution of all his symptoms.

Read an email Audrey Lampert sent me about Clayton’s success in school.

Testimonial for Dr. Hyman Hyman MD Testimonial for Dr. Hyman

Dear Dr. Hyman,

We had a 504 meeting at Clayton's school this morning (where the teachers, school counselor, parents and principal all get together to review the plan for kids with special educational needs, in Clayton's case prompted by the ADHD diagnosis).

This is the first time in his entire schooling history that everything seems to be going well. The input from his teachers was that he is "a different kid" than they saw in the first half of the year and that they're amazed by the difference.

The school nurse hasn't seen him since March (and he used to be in her office several times a week). The school psychologist said his social skills are very good, age appropriate, and that she sees no problems at all. She also noted that Clayton seems very proud of himself and his new health and that he's taking good ownership of all the changes in his diet. He even seems to be shrugging it off when the other kids at school tell him he's an "alien" because he doesn't drink soda.

This was just such a fantastic meeting and I wanted to pass along the good news and say thank you!

Audrey Lampert

Clayton’s story is not unique. It’s repeated over and over in medical practices, based on the principles of Functional Medicine, the next generation of medicine, on which The UltraMind Solution is based.

Just consider these inspiring stories of other patients who have fixed their broken brains by going on The UltraMind Solution program…

  • A 53-year-old man with lifelong bipolar disease and crippling depression on a multi-drug cocktail, who had relief from depression for the first time in 30 years after tuning up his brain function with folate, B12 and B6
  • A 3-year-old boy with violent behavior, who calmed down after balancing his blood sugar and clearing out toxic bacteria from his intestinal tract
  • A 23-year-old woman with lifelong anxiety and depression that lifted after she quit eating foods that she was allergic to
  • A 70-year-old man who was losing his grip on his memory and had been diagnosed with early dementia, who after getting all the mercury out of his body came back to life, could work and function, and now remembers the songs he used to sing in the shower and reads BusinessWeek again
  • Or the little boy with autism, who began to talk and connect socially after getting rid of gluten and casein (wheat and dairy) from his diet and treating the yeast overgrowth in his gut – for the first time, he could tell jokes and had a sense of humor
  • Or the woman who traveled 5,000 miles to see me after seeing a dozen doctors, who was fatigued, depressed, overweight, mentally slipping, sluggish and struggling with brain fog every day, who got rid of all her symptoms in 6 weeks after getting off gluten, boosting her vitamin D level and fixing her low thyroid function. Her family said they had their mother and wife back.

A New Road Map Is Needed for
Treating Mental Illness

Right now 20 million people are suffering from bouts of depression, leaving them feeling empty and meaningless. Are you one of them?

Maybe you are one of the 40 million tormented by irrational fears, anxiety or unceasing stress that won’t go away.

We lose our grip on reality. We can’t focus at work. Our children can’t sit still or remember what they are taught in school, and eventually we become strangers to our aging parents.

What’s wrong? Are we somehow defectively designed?

The medical community’s solution of drugs and psychotherapy isn’t working either. Even with all the drugs on the market, 80 percent of people on medication don’t get better.

We’re Suffering from an
Epidemic of Broken Brains

The Effects of Broken
Brains on Our Children

  • More than 20 million children have some type of psychiatric disorder.
  • More than 8 million children are on stimulants such as Ritalin.
  • Learning disabilities affect between 5 and 10 percent of school-aged children.

Ten years ago, autism was diagnosed in only 1 out of 10,000 children.

Now 1 out of 166 children is diagnosed. And that’s not counting the millions of children who suffer from ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities or milder forms of autism like Asperger’s.

Consider the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease…

Conservative reports project that 30 percent (and some experts say 50 percent) of people over 85 years old (the fastest growing segment of the population) will have Alzheimer’s by 2050.

That’s 1 Out of 2
Suffering with Alzheimer’s

What about adults and teenagers? One out of every 10 Americans is on antidepressants, with more than 40 million haunted by anxiety and 20 million paralyzed by depression. If that’s not enough, 26 percent, or 1 out of 4 Americans, will have some kind of psychiatric disorder in their lifetimes, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disease
  • Personality disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Addictions
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Autism
  • Asperger’s
  • Learning difficulties
  • Dyslexia

This broken brain epidemic takes many shapes, including psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and mania as well as ALL neurodegenerative diseases of aging, especially Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

You may not find yourself in one of those extreme categories, but you probably fall on the milder side of the broken brain continuum. While many psychiatrists and neurologists wouldn’t qualify these problems as treatable diseases, they still cause unnecessary suffering for many people.

Which of the following do you suffer with?

Memory problems
Chronic stress
Lack of focus
Poor concentration
Brain fog

Mood swings
Sleep problems
Tired and sluggish
Slow thinking

Are Depression, Anxiety, Autism and Alzheimer’s
Normal Parts of the Human Condition?

No. They aren’t.

The problem is that we’ve been looking for answers to these problems in the wrong places – in the corners of our past, in the chemical “imbalances” in our brains and in the latest drug or therapeutic approach.

The epidemic of broken brains is a silent one, and few doctors are talking about the problems and looking for ways to heal them. When they do, they focus on solutions within the brain itself, but what I have uncovered is that the root cause of mental illness or neurological disorders of any kind aren’t normally found in the brain…they’re in the body.

Heal the Body First,
Then You Heal the Brain

The body is all connected and intertwined, NOT separate pieces.

But conventional medicine treats each part of the body as a disconnected piece and ultimately treats each person the same. Instead, we need to understand how the whole body operates as a system, not just how different pieces of the body operate independently from one another.

We need a plan for uniquely treating people, not body parts (a plan designed to put out the fire, not just bat at the flames).

You see, doctors and patients alike have been stuck on an outdated idea of disease.

Let me explain what I mean… In our current mind-set, if you know the name of your disease, you know what’s wrong with you and you can prescribe a drug to match.

For example…

You have depression? Then you NEED an antidepressant. You’re anxious? Then you NEED an anti-anxiety medication. You have bipolar disease or mood swings? Then you NEED a mood stabilizer.

But there’s one problem with that…

Depression Is Not a Prozac Deficiency

The Truth About Antidepressants…

Attention deficit disorder is not a stimulant deficiency, and dementia is NOT a memory-boosting medicine deficiency.

Saying you’re depressed or bipolar or have ADD tells you NOTHING about the reasons for your symptoms.

It’s like saying the reason your head hurts is because you have a headache. But your head could hurt because you ate something you’re allergic to, or you have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone floating around in your blood, or because you have a sinus infection, the flu, a magnesium deficiency, or…

Someone Hit You on the
Head with a Baseball Bat

Commonly Overlooked
Causes of Depression

  • Folate, B6 or B12 deficiency
  • Low thyroid function
  • Brain allergies to food
  • Autoimmune response to gluten
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Abnormal proteins from maldigested food
  • Brain inflammation from a hidden infection
  • Blood sugar imbalance
  • Low testosterone or other sex hormones
  • Omega-3 fat deficiency
  • Adrenal gland dysfunction from excessive stress

Any of these can cause a headache. So you see, having a name for a disease tells you NOTHING about the cause and unless you know the cause you cannot fix the problem. It is the SAME thing with our broken brains.

You could be in a room with 50 people who all meet the criteria for depression in the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnosis manual) and have all been prescribed antidepressants such as Prozac, but each person could have depression for a different reason.

The answer isn’t more or better medications.

Even Psychotherapy Shouldn’t
Be the First Response

Counseling, therapy, coaching and even psychoanalysis can be helpful components of an overall plan for mental health.

But if you are poisoned by mercury, deficient in folic acid, have a low-functioning thyroid, drink 12 cups of coffee a day, eat half a pound of sugar a day (the amount consumed by the average American) or have an inflamed brain from eating gluten, it is very difficult to talk or meditate your way out of your suffering!

You must FIRST address the biological causes of the problems before psychotherapy can be effective.

By Fixing Your Body, You Will
Automatically Fix Your Broken Brain
and Experience an UltraMind

There is a solution, but it’s not in the latest drug or therapeutic approach big pharmaceutical companies make billions from. The solution is somewhere you may not have heard about.

What you’re going to uncover inside The UltraMind Solution is going to radically transform the way you think about your mind and body.

The UltraMind Solution is an amazing book that will help you today. It is packed with practical information to help you heal your body and enhance your brain. The book is both wise and practical.” – Daniel G. Amen, M.D., author of
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life and Magnificent Mind At Any Age

Whether you suffer from depression, anxiety or panic attacks; have Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s disease; are under chronic stress; or even just have a little brain fog, trouble remembering things or ADD, leaving you feeling distracted and dull, you can heal.

You can not only overcome many chronic illnesses, but you can also heal from mental illness, neurological disorders and other types of brain disease. In just 6 short weeks, with The UltraMind Solution, you can begin to:

  • Feel more alert and focused. (You’ll not only feel more alert, you’ll feel more alive.)
  • Experience a more stable mood. (Your moods will become more stable so that every day isn’t an emotional roller coaster.)
  • Develop a better memory. (Your memory will improve because your stress level will go down.)
  • Increase your concentration. (Your thinking will stay sharply focused for longer periods of time.)
  • Feel more energy. (Your energy level will go up without caffeine or other stimulants.)
  • Sleep better. (You’ll fall asleep easier, sleep through the night and wake up energized.)
  • Create optimal brain function. (No more brain fog. Your mind will be clear and your thinking will be sharp.)

Consider the Story of Kaki Martin

How One Woman Lifted the Fog of
Depression Permanently Simply by
Healing Her Body

My problems began in 1997 as I finished graduate school and began my professional life. It was supposed to be an exciting beginning – that time in life when all your hard work finally pays off and you are able to join the ranks of successful people.

For me, it was almost exactly the opposite…

At first I tried to tell myself that I was just exhausted from grad school and the stress of my new position. And there’s no doubt, the profession I work in is very demanding. I fly all over the country and work long hours for too little pay. But what I began going through that year can’t be explained by stress and exhaustion alone.

It started with a series of vague, flulike symptoms. I had a low-grade fever off and on. I gained weight, though I could barely eat. I had absolutely no energy. It was all I could do to just get up and make it through my day.

Then I began having chronic sinus infections. After every flight I took, I ended up with another infection that gave me terrible headaches and perpetual postnasal drip and made my fevers even worse.

All this was very strange for me, because I’m not the type to get sick. I’m not a fragile person. But now I was regularly taking time off work to cope with ceaseless flulike symptoms and chronic sinus infections.

I went to just about every doctor my insurance covered looking for answers, but they did little to help. They just threw antibiotics at me without investigating the cause of the problem. One nasal specialist recommended surgery. That seemed completely outrageous, so I didn’t do that. I just didn’t know what to do.

“That’s when I dipped into a major
depression and disappeared from my life.”

I don’t think many of my friends noticed, because I hid it from them for a long time. But I stopped keeping up with my social life. I never went out for drinks with clients or friends after work. I lost at least one relationship because my mood was so low and I refused to go out anywhere. I never smiled. I lost my sense of humor – nothing was funny to me anymore. My personality just sort of flattened out.

Eventually I became so depressed that I had a hard time leaving the house. I would get on the subway and go to work and the whole time I would think, “I can’t wait until I am on the subway coming back home and can lay down on my couch and just rest.”

Listen to Kaki describe what it was like at her lowest point.

I had bills to pay, and I’m ambitious enough that I made myself continue working, even though a lot of the time I felt like I wasn’t doing the job I could...or should. Even when I did go to work, it took incredible focus to make it through the day; the small scraps of energy I had were poured into that.

I tried to convince myself that “this is just how people feel,” but no one else at work seemed to be struggling the way I was. Realizing that fed into my mental health issues. I felt defective – like there was something wrong with me in this generic and debilitating way. It made my depression even worse.

Eventually, I went to a psychiatrist and began taking Prozac just to help me cope and make it through day to day. It’s not what I wanted to do, but I didn’t feel like I had any choice.

I went on that way for 4 or 5 years – taking medication just to make it through every day, forcing myself to get up and go to work, avoiding my social life, and coming home in the evenings to sit on the sofa and watch TV.

The situation finally came to a head one 4th of July at my parents’ house. I stayed in bed the whole weekend, telling them there was no way for me to get up and celebrate. Clearly they were worried...

“When my parents finally came in and
asked me what was wrong, I fell apart.
‘I don’t know, but I’m miserable,’ I said.”

My mother was a patient of Dr. Hyman at the time, and she recommended that I look into his work. One thing that intrigued me about Dr. Hyman was his explanation of how imbalances in the body often affect mental health.

Another intriguing aspect was thyroid function and its relationship to depression...

You see, my core body temperature has always been low, and I’ve been telling doctors about it since I was a teenager. I was always told that I was too young to have a thyroid problem. My tests consistently showed my thyroid levels were low, but they were always just above the level that would indicate a clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism.

There is an epidemic of hypothyroidism in this country, and most borderline cases like mine go undiagnosed, often contributing to depression that for me was a critical piece of the puzzle.

The other thing that blew my mind was mercury poisoning. In his book The UltraMind Solution, Dr. Hyman explained how amalgam dental fillings can deteriorate in your mouth and the mercury in them can leak into your blood and poison you. This can lead to all kinds of brain disorders, including depression.

Now, right before I got sick, I had a whole bunch of dental work done and had a number of amalgam fillings put in my mouth. Within months I got ill. This was another piece of the puzzle.

“As I learned all this, it was like a
stack of bricks was being taken off my shoulders.”

I had been waiting so long to find out what was wrong with me, and Dr. Hyman finally helped me locate an answer. It makes me very emotional just to speak about it, because for the first time I had hope. For the first time I believed there was a way for me to get better.

My path to recovery is kind of a tale in and of itself. I followed Dr. Hyman’s program step-by-step. After changing my diet, adding supplements and taking some of the other steps he recommends, it became clear that I would have to aggressively look into my toxicity levels and the function of my thyroid.

I got some toxicity tests done, and it turned out that my mercury level was completely off the charts. It was over 260. Normal is below 3. It was clear that I was poisoned with heavy metals and this was contributing to my problems.

I also got my thyroid retested and it was right on the borderline, just as it had been when I was young. Since it was so close and I had every other symptom in the book, it was pretty clear my thyroid wasn’t functioning properly.

Both of these problems required medical intervention to resolve. I had to go on special medications to help my body expel the mercury, and I had to take thyroid replacement to support my hormone levels. I also had to have my dental fillings replaced with more benign alternatives.

It took time and patience, but eventually my mercury level came down. And my thyroid function improved.

“When I got the mercury out,
rebalanced my thyroid and changed
my diet, everything in my life changed.”

My depression is now completely resolved. I no longer take antidepressants and I’m happy to be alive now and not wishing I wasn’t. I spent years feeling incredibly miserable – questioning why I was even alive. Now I feel grateful for life.

I’m turning 40 next week, and I feel wonderful! My sense of humor has come back and my whole view of the world and of life has completely changed. I feel like me again.

What is life like for Kaki Martin now? Listen to her explain the dramatic changes.

But it’s not just my emotional life that’s undergone an evolution; other things – funny little things you wouldn’t normally notice – have changed as well. My hair is back to the way it used to be. My skin looks different. I look better. I feel better.

Every once in a while someone will say something about it. They will comment on my hair or skin. I guess it might be a little vain, but that feels good. People can see the difference. They can see I’m back to being me.

My family has been pretty emotional about the changes in me as well. Since I hid my illness from my friends, my family was always much more tuned in to how sick I was. They are stunned at the difference.

My experience has been incredible in every way, and if I had one thing to tell people who are as depressed or as ill as I was, it’s this:

“You don’t have to feel sick.
It’s not your life sentence.”

Looking back now, I can see that it was because my body was out of balance that I became ill and depressed. I didn’t understand that at the time. I wasn’t educated enough. I wasn’t able to make the connections. So I spent years living with a mouthful of mercury, eating foods that didn’t support me, all while my poor body was struggling to keep up with a thyroid that was out of balance.

You don’t have to go through this. You can heal your body, and doing that will heal your brain. That’s what I learned from Dr. Hyman, and I am thankful for it every day of my life.

Kaki Martin
Cambridge, MA

The New Road Map for Treating Disease:
The 7 Keys to an UltraMind

Like the path Kaki found, a new road map has emerged for how the human body works and how to treat illness – whether it is mental or physical. This road map is not based on the traditional ways of naming and diagnosing disease, but on treating the underlying, interlocking, core physiological systems that, in fact, underlie all disease.

The road map I was given in medical school to navigate through the territory of illness was the wrong map. It taught us to diagnose disease and then assign standardized treatments no matter who was suffering.

This is the WRONG approach – it’s a map that sends us in the wrong direction.

Not only are your joint pains, skin rashes, irritable bowel and depression all connected, but the only way to find your way out of this mess of chronic disease (affecting 162 million people) is by using a new map – one that allows you to see how everything is connected.

This is what the rich new method of functional medicine offers.

Functional medicine applies the science of systems biology in a practical setting.

“For the past 30 years, I’ve studied how comprehensive lifestyle change can prevent and reverse many chronic illnesses. Now, Dr. Hyman shows how to prevent and often reverse mood and brain disorders by addressing their underlying causes. Highly recommended.” – Dean Ornish, M.D., Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, and author of Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease and The Spectrum

Unlike conventional medicine, functional medicine personalizes treatment based on a person’s unique needs. We are all different. We have different genetic make-ups. As a result, our bodies react to the environment in different ways.

Understanding this allows us to develop unique methods to treat people, not diseases.

At the heart of this paradigm shift are the 7 keys of UltraWellness, the same keys that make up The UltraMind Solution.

Inside The UltraMind Solution, I explore and explain how each of these keys affects your mood, behavior, attention, memory and overall brain function, and give you special proprietary quizzes that will help you identify which of these keys is out of balance for you, along with practical steps for fixing them.

Overview of the 7 Keys to an UltraMind

Let me begin by explaining how the 7 keys work and how they can optimize your brain and health:

Key #1: Optimize Nutrition

Are You Deficient in the Essentials for Normal Brain Function?

Optimal nutrition is the most important factor in keeping your brain healthy.

Feeding our brains is not something most of us know how to do. What you put in your mouth provides all the raw materials to build the structure of your brain cells and keep all the communication systems running well so you can think, emote, learn and remember.

You have to start with the right food and enough of the right nutrients for the brain to function well.

The problem is that most of us (including doctors) know very little about nutrition and even less about how and why vitamins and minerals are so essential for brain function and health. To restore optimal brain function and health, you need to know WHY you are doing WHAT you are doing.

Among other things in The UltraMind Solution, you’ll learn about Key #1, Optimize Nutrition, and:

  • Four key nutritional strategies that represent 90 percent of everything you need to stay healthy and heal your broken brain. (These are the basic underpinnings that form the foundational support you need for an optimal brain.)
  • The 2 biggest offending foods that cause bad brain reactions. (One out of 133 people has a significant intolerance to one of these foods, but only 3 percent are diagnosed.)
  • How to reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar and stimulate new brain cell growth. (This special type of nutrient, common in any health food store, acts like Miracle-Gro for the brain.)
  • How using this specific type of supplement has proven effective in improving memory and cognitive functions, boosting mood and reducing stress, improving attention, and reducing aggression in children with ADHD (all with no side effects).
  • What you’d otherwise miss BUT need in a basic multivitamin. (Because 92 percent of Americans are deficient in one or more essential vitamins and minerals, everyone should take a basic multivitamin.)
  • How to avoid feeling sluggish, foggy, anxious, unfocused and tired. (Simply add this one simple food to every meal and accelerate your neurotransmitter functions.)
  • 7 tips for naturally increasing the “happy-feeling” molecule, serotonin. (Discover how getting enough of this special form of vitamin B will help your body transform tryptophan into serotonin, without using antidepressants.)
  • How to protect your body against premature aging and morbid obesity simply by eating these special carbohydrates. (The right kind of carbohydrates contain all the vitamins (except B12) and minerals our bodies need to operate optimally and normally.)
  • How to reduce stress and enjoy a better night’s sleep. (Simply take 600-800 milligrams of this over-the-counter vitamin.)
  • How to intensify your mental sharpness, memory and energy level by taking the RIGHT combination of vitamins and minerals. (NOT having enough nutrients to optimize cellular function will lead to deficiencies can manifest as heart disease, cancer, depression, schizophrenia, ADD or Alzheimer’s disease.)

Key #2: Balance Your Hormones

As We Age, Our Hormones Get Out of Balance

Your hormones serve as major switches and can influence mood and behavior disturbances such as depression, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, pre-dementia, Alzheimer’s and even weight gain.

Many of us are living out of balance and don’t recognize it. Does your mood or energy swing up and down? Do you crave sugar or salt? Are you uninterested in sex? Do you have thinning hair, or are you putting on more belly fat?

If so, you are not alone. Small molecules in our bodies that we depend on to keep us in balance are going haywire, and these molecules are involved in one way or another in almost every function of the body.

Learn whether your hormones are out of balance and what you need to do to fix them.

  • Learn about new studies in The Journal of the American Medical Association that found that people with metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance) and inflammation had dramatic declines in cognitive function. (This is more serious than just forgetting your keys. It is called mild cognitive impairment, which is a prelude to dementia. Now learn the steps for reversing it.)
  • Learn how to eliminate food cravings by getting your hormones in balance. (Follow these simple dietary changes to completely correct and reverse insulin resistance and the catastrophic effects it has on the brain.)
  • Discover the link between thyroid disease and depression and why this special plan can heal your broken thyroid. (Over 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men have a low-functioning thyroid and only half of those are diagnosed.)
  • Learn how to eliminate the symptoms of PMS (and why your fork may be enhancing your symptoms by pushing your hormones out of balance).
  • Learn about 4 reversible reasons why you’re losing testosterone and what you can do about it. (And why men don’t have to take “the little blue pill” to be men again.)

Key #3: Cool Off Inflammation

Inflammation and the Effects of Autism and Alzheimer’s

If you have a sore throat, a swollen joint or a rash, you know you are inflamed. But if your brain is inflamed, you feel nothing. Nothing, that is, except depressed, unfocused or, worse, autistic or demented.

New evidence links hidden brain inflammation to almost every known “brain disease,” from depression to dementia, from autism to anxiety, from schizophrenia to sociopathic behavior.

The brain is on fire in the 21st century. If 1 in 3 Americans suffers from a mental illness, and 14 million Americans will soon have Alzheimer’s, and nearly all mood disorders and age-related brain diseases are symptoms of an inflamed or “sore” brain, then this problem touches everyone.

You might say we are all on fire.

Discover the secrets to cooling off inflammation for a healthy, happy brain:

  • The surprising link between inflammation and autism. (The amazing discovery by a cutting-edge Harvard doctor, who studied autistic children’s brains on MRI scans.)
  • Why exercise and fish oil can often be a more effective treatment for depression than antidepressants. (Six remarkable pieces of evidence proving that depression may be systemic inflammatory disease…and what you can do about it.)
  • How to slow down if not reverse dementia and Alzheimer’s. (Attack the underlying source of the inflammation by addressing the 9 causes of inflammation.)
  • Which foods you are eating that may be injuring your brain. (Certain foods you may eat daily can act to disturb normal neurotransmitter function, causing a chain reaction that overexcites, injures, inflames and ultimately kills brain cells.)

Key #4: Fix Your Digestion

A 6-Year Tantrum’s Caused by Food Allergies

Did you know that your gut has more neurotransmitters and serotonin (happy-mood chemicals) than your brain does?

New science shows the obvious connection between the gut and the brain. What happens in the gut affects the health of your brain.

Your gut is responsible for breaking down food, letting in the good stuff (such as vitamins and minerals), blocking out the bad stuff (such as toxins and bad bugs), and making good bacteria to protect you.

If your gut breaks down because of stress and poor diet, your brain won’t be happy. Breakdown anywhere in this process creates illness. Learn:

  • Why your gut has more to do with your happy mood than your brain. (95 percent of your body’s serotonin, or happy-mood chemical, is produced in the gut nerve cells.)
  • Why new studies show that it’s your stomach that makes you anxious and irritable. (It’s your irritable bowel that may be affecting your brain…here’s how.)
  • Why bad bugs in your gut may be leading to your obsessive-compulsive disorder. (Bad bugs in the gut produce ammonia, a brain toxin that excites and damages brain cells and the mitochondria.)
  • Why a little heartburn can lead to brain problems if you fall into the trap of treating it the way that 25 percent of Americans do. (Studies show that people who take long-term acid-blocking medications can become vitamin B12 deficient, which can lead to depression, anemia, fatigue, nerve damage and even dementia, especially in the elderly.)

Key #5: Enhance Detoxification

How George Reversed Dementia Because of Detoxification

Our bodies must eliminate all our metabolic wastes and all the toxins we take in from the environment and through our food, air, water and medications.

The toxic burden in the 21st century is overwhelming, and often our bodies can’t keep up. This leads to illness.

Toxic overload shuts down every biochemical process in your body and can lead to dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, to name a few.

Learn the keys to eliminating harmful toxins from your system and maintaining a sharp, focused and alert brain:

  • Seven enemies that impair your body’s natural ability to detoxify. (A recent study in The Lancet clearly showed how one food additive can make your children hyperactive.)
  • 4 tips for reducing your exposure to mercury. (15 percent of women of childbearing age were found to have toxic levels of mercury in their blood. This simple plan can help you eliminate from your body the second most toxic metal known to man.)
  • Nine ways to help reduce dementia and brain aging. (New research clearly shows that exposures to toxins put you at risk of Parkinson’s .)
  • Five simple foods that can naturally replenish glutathione, the body’s master detoxifier. (In addition, 2 vitamins that help boost the production of glutathione in your body.)

Key #6: Boost Energy Metabolism

The Secret to Living to 120

Life is energy. Once no more energy is produced in your cells, you die. The process of extracting energy from the food you eat and the oxygen you breathe is the most essential procedure of life.

Keeping that metabolic engine running smoothly and protecting it from harm are essential for health.

Enough energy means a happy, healthy, focused and sharp brain. Lack of energy means slowed mental function, autism, mood disorders such as depression, and ultimately Parkinson’s and dementia.

Discover the keys to the fountain of youth. Learn…

  • 5 specific supplements you can take today to boost energy and reduce oxidative stress. (Loss of function and death of mitochondria account for much of what we see in most diseases, including problems with mood, behavior, attention and memory.)
  • One specific lifestyle change you can make to increase energy and reduce fatigue. (Lack of energy means slowed mental function, autism, mood disorders such as depression, and ultimately Parkinson’s and dementia.)
  • Whether your mitochondria are damaged and you are losing energy, by taking a quiz. (With 3 specific action plans you can use.)

Key #7: Calm Your Mind

How Stress Makes Your Brain Hard

The overwhelming stresses of the 21st century, including social isolation, overwork and disempowerment, create enormous stresses on our nervous systems, leading to burnout and breakdown.

A stiff, rigid, “hard” personality is reflected in stiff cells, rigid plaques in the brain and a general loss of resilience. We lose the ability to renew, remember and repair.

This is not just a metaphor for what happens. Your brain literally stiffens, slows and loses function in direct relationship to the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes you have about yourself and your place in the world. How each of us responds to our life – to our perceptions – has enormous implications on how we feel, how we age and the health of our brain.

Uncover the tips for relaxing and making your brain happy and healthy:

  • 3 easy-to-implement tools for reducing stress. (High levels of cortisol over the long term injure the hippocampus, leading to impaired memory, dementia and depression.)
  • How to strengthen your cardiovascular system, prevent insulin resistance and balance hormones. (This simple exercise only takes minutes a day.)
  • How this simple breathing exercise will help stimulate your vagus nerve, to lower inflammation and reduce depression. (This simple exercise releases acetylcholine, which reduces the production of inflammatory cytokines.)

Announcing The UltraMind Solution:
The Simple Way to Defeat Depression,
Overcome Anxiety and Sharpen Your Mind

The UltraMind Solution is a 6-week, step-by-step program designed to help you fix imbalances in your body’s core underlying biology, which will then trigger your body’s own natural intelligence to heal and automatically fix your brain.

Inside this 6-week program, you’re going to find powerful tools for transforming your broken brain into an UltraMind – one that’s calm, confident, alert and happy.

It’s very simple. Here’s how The UltraMind Solution works:

Part I: The UltraMind Solution: Epidemic of Broken Brains

In Part I, you will learn about our epidemic of “broken brains,” both the scope and the cause of the problem facing us in the 21st century. And you will learn why the solutions to this problem available today are nearly ignored.

Inside these first 4 chapters you will discover why fixing your body is the BEST way to fix your broken brain and why the foundations of modern psychiatry and neurology are based on myths.

Then you will learn why you are suffering from brain damage – all the myriad causes of injury to the soft, custard-like, three-pound wonder that is your brain.

Part II: The 7 Keys to an UltraMind

In Part II, you will learn how imbalances in the 7 core systems of the body – nutrition, hormones, immune function, digestion, detoxification, energy metabolism and mind-body – explain all the symptoms and diseases we think are “brain” problems.

You will also work through a proprietary set of quizzes to help you identify which of the 7 keys are out of balance. Once you are done with each quiz, you will receive a score that puts you in one of the 3 UltraMind Solution care groups.

Each score has a specific set of recommendations for improving the key and optimizing your brain.

Part III: Take the 6-Week Plan: Develop an UltraMind

Part III is a practical, how-to, step-by-step program to fix your broken brain using The UltraMind Solution. The heart of the plan is a comprehensive diet and lifestyle change that consists of 4 basic components that last for 6 weeks.

  1. A healthy eating plan designed to help you heal and optimize your brain
  2. Basic supplements you need to take to balance and enhance your brain chemistry
  3. Lifestyle changes including exercise, relaxation, sleep and “brain” or mental exercises
  4. A clean and green lifestyle in order to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins and support a sustainable future for us all

It’s at this time when everything you learned will be put into action. Most people who follow this approach will see significant changes with the first 2 weeks.

Part IV: Personalize the 7 Keys Based on Your Quiz Scores

In Part IV, you will learn how to customize The UltraMind Solution to help correct the unique imbalances you discovered by taking the quizzes in Part III.

Each of us is unique – genetically, developmentally and psychologically. Each of us has areas of weakness and strength. Finding those and adapting your health practices and treatment to that uniqueness based on the 7 keys is essential if you want to regain full health and vitality.

Inside The UltraMind Solution you’ll find specific instructions on how to integrate each of these changes into your life so you can optimize the 7 keys to UltraWellness and achieve an UltraMind.

“Restore Your Energy Naturally”

I have been suffering from intense fatigue and trouble concentrating for the last 2 years, and my physicians have been unable to find a medical diagnosis for my symptoms.

Being a 46-year-old graduate student, wife, mother and employee, I have to be able to concentrate for long periods of time, especially in the evenings after work. Before The UltraMind Solution, I could not concentrate or stay focused past the early morning.

Without knowing exactly when it occurred, I now find that my energy has been restored enough so that I can work 12-hour shifts at the hospital without fatigue and still go home and study, and retain what I read.

As a side effect, I have lost close to 10 pounds without ever going hungry. I am definitely going to make The UltraMind Solution a way of life from now on. Dr. Hyman’s principles are simple yet effective.

Sherril Stinnett

Order The UltraMind Solution Today and
Receive This Special Bonus Gift

When you order your copy of The UltraMind Solution today, you’ll receive this special bonus gift:

Specal Bonus Item #1:
The UltraMind Solution
Companion Guide

Download this special companion guide, which includes 8 exclusive tools not found in the book.

  1. Delicious Recipes – A delicious collection of nourishing recipes that will allow you to follow the exact healthy eating plan as outlined in The UltraMind Solution.
  2. Shopping Lists – Handy lists of everything you need to shop for, based on the recipes provided and including the foods you should enjoy and the foods you should stay away from.
  3. Food Reintroduction Log – An important tool that will allow you to carefully track how your mind and body react to different foods as you reintroduce them – a critical step in determining the optimal diet to create your own UltraMind.
  4. Helpful Trackers – A handy set of charts so you can track how much your mind, body and spirit improve as you progress through this program – it’s important for you to not only feel better, but to see how much progress you’ve made.
  5. Handy Checklists – A series of checklists that will allow you to easily keep track of all the steps you should take during the preparation phase, the actual 6-week program itself, what to do afterward, and more, so you can track the progress you’ve made.
  6. Relaxation Exercises – An extended set of relaxation exercises to help you de-stress and activate your relaxation response, a critical step toward achieving an UltraMind.
  7. Testing Guide – For those of you who seek medical care, an important section that outlines a series of advanced tests that your doctor can order to help better pinpoint the underlying cause of your health problems.
  8. Supplement Guide – One of the most useful tools in here, to help you organize what supplements you are supposed to take and when, in order to minimize any confusion.

The UltraMind Solution Companion Guide, which is downloadable only from this site, contains all the extra resources and tools you need to succeed.

Special Bonus Item #2:

“Do You Have Broken Brain?”

Listen to Dr. Mark Hyman explain what you’ll learn inside The UltraMind Solution program.

The first 1,000 people who order and register will get access to download Dr. Hyman’s special 90-minute audio program: Do You Have Broken Brain?

Inside this exclusive audio program, Dr. Hyman will ask you the questions you need to identify where your biology is out of balance, how it’s affecting your brain and most importantly, what steps you need to take to heal your brain now so you can focus and remember the things that are important to you while enjoying everything that life has to offer.

Listen To This Program While You Wait
For Your Copy of The UltraMind Solution

After listening to this 90-minute downloadable audio you’ll:

  • Learn how to recapture the mental energy, memory, focus and clarity of your youth. (Rediscover the joys and pleasures of love, life and your family.)
  • Discover the 7 basic keys to all disease. (Learn how to keep imbalances in these keys from messing up your head, fogging your brain and clouding your memory.)
  • Learn why doctors and psychotherapists have it all wrong. (Confront the 7 real causes of your broken brain, how to address them and how to avoid all the things that damage your brain.)
  • Understand the real reason you suffer with anxiety and depression (without covering over the symptoms with drugs and their harmful side effects).

In this audio program, you can discover the secrets to all this and much more…

The little-known foods, nutrients, lifestyle changes, physical activities and brain-boosting secrets that can dramatically improve your mental performance, boost your brainpower and your mood, and improve your memory, focus and mental clarity while helping you avoid age-related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

  • Stimulate your brain by discovering the right supplements you need for an optimized brain. (92 percent of American’s don’t get enough vitamins and nutrients.)
  • Understand which foods hurt your brain and which help to optimize it. (There are certain supplements that tune up your brain chemistry; learn whether you are taking the right amounts.)
  • Prevent fatigue and mood disorders like depression and anxiety, as well as Parkinson’s and dementia, simply by providing the right amount of energy to your brain.
  • Discover why your brain chemistry is out of balance in the first place and how to get it back to its natural state of balance. (Are we defectively designed or is it our toxic environment, our nutrient depleted diet or unremitting stress? Take this special quiz to uncover the truth behind your broken brain.)

Only 1,000 Downloads of this Special Audio Program are Available so Make Sure You Are One of The First

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Receive These Special Bonuses Exclusively From This Site

When you order from the UltraWellness store, you will receive instant access to download The UltraMind Solution Companion Guide and Dr. Hyman’s special audio program: Do You Have a Broken Brain? After your order is processed, you will receive a link with special download information.

The Future of Medicine Starts
Here…It Starts with You

Like almost every other doctor in the country, I was trained to be a clinical pharmacologist, not a clinical physiologist, biochemist, geneticist or practitioner of functional medicine.

I was trained to dispense medication. I was not trained to process or understand biological information systems, or to make sense of patterns and relationships and connections in biological systems. I was not trained to see how everything communicates with everything else.

However, by treating thousands of patients like Clayton (who eliminated ADHD), George (who reversed dementia) and Emma (the 6-year old girl who calmed down and became peaceful) and many others over more than 20 years, and by studying the rich medical literature that explains, in detail, the way the underlying systems in our body create health or illness, I have been able to develop a whole new way of understanding medicine, one that is radically different from the method of diagnosis and treatment I was trained in.

We are in the middle of an information revolution – not just in technology but also in biology. What I have studied and learned about for more than a decade now is the future of medicine. Functional medicine and systems biology are the wave of the future, and this is what you will learn once you read The UltraMind Solution.

And once you have the power of this fundamental rethinking of medicine in your hands, you’ll be able to fix your broken brain and achieve an UltraMind – one that’s highly focused, able to pay attention at will, has a strong memory and helps you feel calm, confident, in control and in good spirits.

My wish for all of you is to live a life that is vibrant, awake, engage, focused, strong and refreshed.

Fix your body and you WILL fix your brain. And when this happens, you’ll say, “Wow, I had no idea having an UltraMind could feel this good.”

Buy Now $18.95
List Price: $27.50

To your good health,

Mark Hyman, M.D.
Medical Director
The UltraWellness Center

P.S. We all thought that once we lost brain cells they were gone forever. However, exciting new research in the last decade on the brain has clearly shown that the brain can heal, renew, repair and regenerate itself. Discover on page 53 of The UltraMind Solution how you can wake up and activate damaged brain cells, a process called neuroplasticity, which leads to improved cognitive function and remarkable recoveries.)

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