Since it was first observed 40 years ago, Earth Day has grown from a handful of campus rallies into a global celebration of the environment and has raised ecological awareness around the world.
Unfortunately, the politics surrounding Earth Day have also done long-term harm, damaging our ability to fight deadly diseases today.
Back in the 1940s, scientists realized that the chemical dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, could stop epidemics of insect-borne diseases such as typhus. Its lifesaving potential was considered such a boon to mankind that the scientist who discovered it, Paul Mueller, won the Nobel Prize. The chemical would soon surpass all expectations in controlling malaria around the world and go on to save millions of lives.
It was so effective that it eradicated the disease entirely in Europe, the U.S. and some island nations such as Taiwan. In the West, Malaria was defeated as an endemic disease more than 50 years ago. Now, though, it's a re-emergent disease of the poor, ravaging populations in South America, Asia and across sub-Saharan Africa. Spread by mosquitoes, malaria kills almost 1 million people a year and inflicts suffering on hundreds of millions more. But it didn't have to be this way.
Early environmentalists made pesticides one of their chief bugaboos. Rachel Carson, who helped launch the modern environmental movement, was among them.
In her now-famous 1962 book Silent Spring, she argued that DDT, when sprayed on a Michigan campus to halt the spread of Dutch elm disease, would spread far and wide and harm robins' ability to reproduce.
Carson was no doubt well-intentioned, but it turns out that she was flat out wrong about the effects of DDT. It didn't spread the way she thought it did, and no studies have ever been able to show that environmental exposure to DDT — even in large quantities — harms human health. It is less dangerous to humans than any number of natural chemicals, including some vitamins and medicines that we consume without a second thought. And when used in small quantities in malaria control, DDT protects people from deadly mosquitoes.
The public-health benefits it confers far exceed any of the unproven, theoretical risks.
A disease's comeback
All this is now widely known. But environmentalists' early crusades against pesticides have since taken on a global momentum of their own. Carson's anti-pesticide stance was taken up by many ecologists and led to the decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban DDT. By then, malaria had been eradicated in the USA, but it was still a scourge across much of the world. Nevertheless, international aid donors and health organizations began to abandon DDT.
In 1997, just as poor countries were suffering from a global pandemic of dengue fever and re-emerging malaria, the World Health Organization's policy-setting body adopted a resolution calling on all countries to reduce the use of insecticides for disease control. DDT was specifically identified as one that should be phased out.
Just 10 years later, the European Union took up the campaign. And in January of 2009, the European Parliament approved new rules to ban certain chemicals used in common pesticides. The new regulations created a great deal of uncertainty, and the implications are still not fully clear.
The harm that could come out of this is very real. Reckless rulemaking scares away would-be producers, even before a ban goes into effect. As we know from DDT's history, with fewer manufacturers in the marketplace, prices go up, making the chemical harder and harder to obtain.
As a result of the EU process, over the past few years, around 75% of the pesticides used in farming in Europe have disappeared from the market.
Trade worries, too
Bans also have other unintended consequences. For instance, some developing countries have stopped using DDT not because it wouldn't work in malaria control, but for fear that their agricultural exports would not be allowed into Europe if tiny and inconsequential residues were found on produce.
Meanwhile, malaria continues its deadly scourge, with no realistic alternative to fighting it on the scale that DDT can achieve.
The lesson is that we wouldn't have the crisis we do today if we hadn't put feel-good politics ahead of solid science decades ago. Thursday, the citizens of more than 180 countries will celebrate their commitment to the environment on Earth Day. This year, let's commit to putting science first. The consequences of not doing so last a very long time.
Richard Tren is the director of Africa Fighting Malaria, and Donald Roberts is a retired entomologist and professor of tropical public health at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. They are the authors of The Excellent Powder: DDT's Political and Scientific History.
Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) is a highly effective method of malaria control recommended by the World Health Organization. Unfortunately it remains underutilized in sub-Saharan Africa, where, each year, malaria kills over a million people and drains the continent of US$12 billion. World Malaria Day 2008 focused on malaria across borders – some of the best cross-border malaria control programs rely heavily on IRS. Yet most donor agencies are loath to strengthen IRS programs in Africa, train medical entomologists to run them, and invest in new insecticides.
This World Malaria Day, AFM issued a Call to Action to support IRS. AFM created an interactive map to indicate which countries are conducting IRS (orange) along with the main financiers - the US President's Malaria Initiative, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, the private sector and/or strong domestic government support.
AFM summary reports by financier and country can be downloaded below.
In September 2006, Dr Arata Kochi, head of the World Health Organization’s Global Malaria Program, called for an expansion of IRS programs and for DDT to be used in malaria control . Currently, the only donor agency that has heeded this call and is investing substantial resources in IRS is the United States Agency for International Development through the President's Malaria Initiative. Few other donor agencies fund IRS and even the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, the largest financier of malaria control and treatment programs, funds only a handful of IRS programs. AFM compiled a series of reports on IRS for World Malaria Day 2008:
A child plays in the smoke during a fumigation exercise to rid the area of mosquitoes in Jakarta March 18, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Beawiharta
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Six years after the insect killer DDT was globally outlawed on grounds of environmental damage, two researchers say there are new reasons for doubting the chemical is harmful and are urging its use against malaria.
In a book launched on Wednesday, Donald Roberts, professor of tropical medicine at the U.S. military's Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, and Richard Tren, head of lobby group Africa Fighting Malaria, argue that DDT is the only effective weapon against the deadly mosquito-borne parasite.
Environmental group Greenpeace defended the United Nations' aim of eventually eliminating DDT use worldwide and said evidence that it harms wildlife and human health was sound, even if not conclusive.
DDT's unprecedented power to kill insects won its inventor a Nobel prize in the 1940s and it was considered a wonder chemical until evidence emerged of its toxicity to wildlife and people, leading Western nations to ban it in the 1970s.
A treaty to forbid its use worldwide along with a dozen other industrial chemicals came into effect in 2004, but some countries like South Africa and Ethiopia still take advantage of tightly limited exemptions allowing indoor spraying.
Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloromethylmethane (DDT) has been blamed for birth defects in humans and threatening endangered birds such as the bald eagle by thinning their egg shells.
"There are an almost endless list of claims that DDT causes one kind of harm or another but ... with each claim, the evidence that the DDT is the cause is simply not there," Roberts told Reuters in a telephone interview.
"The Excellent Powder" claims new evidence shows DDT is harmless because it is similar to organic chemicals found in nature that animal life can deal with.
The book also tackles the issue of resistance to the poison, saying DDT is a good repellent, not just killer, of mosquitoes.
Malaria kills roughly a million children a year, mostly in Africa, according to the World Health Organization.
In the tropical West African nation of Ivory Coast, malaria kills 176 children under five each day, the government's top malaria official, Dr Sam Koffi Moise, told Reuters.
"The challenge is to give access to better prevention. We need mosquito nets but also insecticides like DDT," he said.
Roberts and Tren's book examines a 2009 study linking DDT in South Africa to birth defects and argues the data doesn't support it.
"Millions of malaria deaths ... occurred during ... decades of environmental activism (against) DDT," the book concludes.
Tren, a free market lobbyist who has also criticized tobacco control, said bird species harmed by DDT were already under threat and that DDT was "a minor source of harm compared to the hunting, shooting, poisoning and land use changes."
Greenpeace scientist David Santillo told Reuters greens approved use of DDT where there was no alternative, but evidence of it accumulating in birds and polar bears was clear, and evidence of harm to humans worrying enough to urge caution.
"If we're to wait until we have absolute confirmation that (health problems are) a direct result of DDT exposure that's something we'll probably never have because you can't expose humans deliberately to DDT to measure the effect," he said
"There's a need to develop a broader range of malaria controls to break this reliance on DDT ... as a silver bullet."
Here is some info on the Malaria situation.
As we see President Bush did more for Africa than probably any other President. Maybe that is why the Libs hate him. Their goal (Nazi Liberals) is to destroy most of the population. It appears Liberals have their sights set on killing or getting rid of as many African children as possible.
In 2000, African leaders vowed to reduce malaria deaths by 50% in ten years. Tomorrow marks the ninth anniversary of the vow, and though it hasn't been fulfilled, we are drawing very close to another marker of malaria's toll: 100 million dead from malaria since the Environmental Protection Agency's 1972 ban on DDT, the insecticide best suited to combat malarial mosquitoes.
For comparison, the total number of people killed by cigarette smoking in the twentieth century is thought to be about 60 million, total casualties from World War II perhaps as high as 70 million, and the total killed by Communist regimes about 100 million. Thus, anti-chemical greens (inspired by Rachel Carson's fear-mongering book Silent Spring) may already be humanity's most prolific killers -- and surely the most widely praised.
Africa Malaria Day was declared on April 25, 2000. President Bush noted Malaria Awareness Day on April 25, 2006. The World Health Organization decided in 2007 to begin marking World Malaria Day, with 2008 officially being the first and tomorrow the second -- with just one year to go before the original ten-year deadline is reached.
To make real progress in time for World Malaria Day 2010, instead of gauging progress by government spending or how many times Jimmy Carter praises bed nets, how about simply getting government out of the way and letting DDT (which, at worst, has been accused, likely incorrectly, of thinning some bird eggshells) do its lifesaving work around the world, as it did in once-malarial Europe and America for three decades before the ban? (I made this point back in 2002, in an ACSH piece cited this year in the New York Times bestseller Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.)
By means such as bed nets and an impending malaria vaccine, we are making commendable strides in fighting malaria, but this is not a fight we should be waging with the most effective weapon needlessly kept beyond our reach. End the ban. Save millions of lives. Not a hard choice.
Here is some great script from a Mark Levin interview on Hugh Hewitt. Mark Levin is extremely knowledgeable of the Liberals and the DDT ban.
And so…but what happened, obviously, is in the early 1960s with Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, which had more phony science and groups like the Sierra Club, in the end, it was banned in the United States, which means it was banned in most of the free world, which means since most of the free world produces it, Africa went without DDT. Southeast Asia went without DDT. And so the environmentalists succeeded in allowing the death of tens of millions, particularly of children in Africa and other parts of the world, because of their adherence to this. And my point in including that and other examples in the book is here we go again with this global warming, where they want to create a regressive situation not only in the United States, but who will be affected the most? The undeveloped third world where they want to have lights, where they want to have running water, where they want to have food, and they want to do all these things. But instead now, here we go again with now it’s global warming.
On World Malaria Day, marked on April 25 (Sunday), governments and activists will boast of millions of dollars spent on tackling the disease that still kills a child every 30 seconds somewhere in the world. But most of them are culpable of disarming our most effective weapon--insecticides such as DDT.
DDT was first used on a large scale in World War II to stop insect-borne epidemics such as typhus. It surpassed all expectations in fighting malaria around the world, saving millions of lives. In 1960s India, for example, DDT cut malaria cases from 75 million a year to less than 100,000.
DDT slashed malaria infection and deaths across southern Africa. In South Africa, DDT brought malaria cases down from 1,177 in 1946 to just 61 by 1951 in Transvaal province alone. But in 1996 South Africa stopped using DDT and by 2000 malaria deaths had increased eight-fold. Infections rose from 5,000 to more than 60,000. In 2000, South Africa reintroduced DDT indoor residual spraying (tiny doses on walls and ceilings) and the number of malaria cases and deaths dropped by a remarkable 80 per cent.
The 1960s, however, saw the rise of the Western environmentalist movement, which vilified the use of insecticides such as DDT. This helped malaria rise again, in India as in South Africa, and even now, four decades later, insecticide use is threatened by environmentalist alarmism.
For example, new research published in the British Journal of Urology International alleges a link between DDT and birth defects in boys among the Venda people in northeastern South Africa. A grave finding if true but, as with the charges thrown around by environmentalists, it does not stand up to scrutiny. The incidence among Vendas living in houses with DDT indoor residual spraying is high, at around 11 per cent, so there is a problem. But the figure for those living in houses never sprayed with DDT is also high and statistically equivalent, at 10.2 per cent.
Clearly, more research is needed but this generated typically scaremongering headlines about DDT, even though there is still no evidence that it can harm humans. Indeed, for decades DDT was used in great quantities in agriculture around the world with reckless abandon--and malaria was eradicated in the Southern US States, Southern Europe and many other regions.
This lack of evidence, however, has not prevented Western governments and international organisations from legislating against or discouraging such insecticides. South Africa is big, relatively prosperous and does not depend on aid. Weaker countries have not been able to resist pressure from aid donors and international organisations to reject DDT.
For instance, in 2005 one of the world's most highly malarial countries, Uganda, started using DDT. Infections and deaths fell rapidly yet the programme was shut down in 2006 after statements by European Union officials in Kampala raised fears that even the tiniest residues of any insecticide on exported food would cause the EU to reject it. Ironically, growers even feared that DDT, a chemical we know does not cause cancer, would be found on tobacco, a product we know does cause cancer. This shut down a life-saving programme, with zero benefit to EU citizens.
This is not just an old, regrettable, story: it has dire consequences for the future.
Although DDT is highly effective, fighting malaria requires new weapons. Yet so successful has been the anti-insecticides campaign that there has been almost no investment in new insecticides that could be used against malaria. Meanwhile, governments, foundations and companies have invested hundreds of millions of dollars over decades in the elusive search for a malaria vaccine. There is now only one maker of DDT.
Shamefully, tens of millions of dollars have also gone into the desperate, and fruitless, search to find some harm to humans from DDT.
Thwarting the use of insecticides that protect people from disease is unscientific, nonsensical and cruel. Defending children against a deadly, known risk should take precedence over precautionary ideology based only on unproven, theoretical risks.
America's USAID used to put pressure on some countries to reject DDT, like most donors. Now, USAID alone funds DDT use, so maybe there is hope. African governments must now stand up to the double standards of aid donors and activists who prevent the use of insecticides with fears of human harm and threats to trade. Richard Tren is president of Africa Fighting Malaria and author (with Donald Roberts) of the book The Excellent Powder--DDT's Political and Scientific History, launched this week
April 24, 2009 Tomorrow Is World Malaria Day -- We Need DDT-Day By Todd Seavey In 2000, African leaders vowed to reduce malaria deaths by 50% in ten years. Tomorrow marks the ninth anniversary of the vow, and though it hasn't been fulfilled, we are drawing very close to another marker of malaria's toll: 100 million dead from malaria since the Environmental Protection Agency's 1972 ban on DDT, the insecticide best suited to combat malarial mosquitoes.
For comparison, the total number of people killed by cigarette smoking in the twentieth century is thought to be about 60 million, total casualties from World War II perhaps as high as 70 million, and the total killed by Communist regimes about 100 million. Thus, anti-chemical greens (inspired by Rachel Carson's fear-mongering book Silent Spring) may already be humanity's most prolific killers -- and surely the most widely praised.
Africa Malaria Day was declared on April 25, 2000. President Bush noted Malaria Awareness Day on April 25, 2006. The World Health Organization decided in 2007 to begin marking World Malaria Day, with 2008 officially being the first and tomorrow the second -- with just one year to go before the original ten-year deadline is reached.
To make real progress in time for World Malaria Day 2010, instead of gauging progress by government spending or how many times Jimmy Carter praises bed nets, how about simply getting government out of the way and letting DDT (which, at worst, has been accused, likely incorrectly, of thinning some bird eggshells) do its lifesaving work around the world, as it did in once-malarial Europe and America for three decades before the ban? (I made this point back in 2002, in an ACSH piece cited this year in the New York Times bestseller Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.)
By means such as bed nets and an impending malaria vaccine, we are making commendable strides in fighting malaria, but this is not a fight we should be waging with the most effective weapon needlessly kept beyond our reach. End the ban. Save millions of lives. Not a hard choice.
Todd Seavey is Director of Publications at the American Council on Science and Health (, and will host a Debate at Lolita Bar at 8pm on Wednesday, May 6, on the question "Should Humans Radically Decrease Their Exploitation of Animals?"
Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this webpage.
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Energy medicine is a new frontier in healing that does not involve the use of pharmaceutical drugs or conventional medical treatments. It is a branch of alternative medicine which focuses on the use of the human energy field for healing. All healing is accomplished through non-physical, intangible means.
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Energy medicine as a whole has been gaining popular acceptance and gradually becoming mainstream. It is no longer the exclusive domain of alternative medicine advocates and natural health enthusiasts. Even Dr. Mehmet Oz, also known as "America's Doctor" recently declared on Oprah's show -- and in his #1 New York Times bestseller "You" -- that energy medicine is a legitimate and effective healing modality, and the next big frontier in medicine.
The astonishing but true story of Dr. Ben Johnson...
"I should already be dead!"
"I should already be dead," says Dr. Ben Johnson, the co-founder of the Immune Recovery Cancer Clinic. Dr. Johnson had been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease, an incurable motor neuron disease that attacks the nerves and muscles, and is usually fatal. He considered it a death sentence -- far worse than cancer or AIDS -- because 80% of people who suffer from the disease die within 5 years, and no one ever survives for 10 years. In 2003, he was already entering his third year, and he was suffering from severe fatigue, constant muscle fasiculations (twitching of the muscles), and his voice was so weak he could barely speak. As a doctor, he was certain that death was imminent.
Then, later that year, he heard about a seminar for a new healing technology called The Healing Codes that was being conducted by Dr. Alex Loyd. Here's the rest of Dr. Ben Johnson's amazing story in his own words:
"I was impressed with the testimonials (about The Healing Codes); but, they weren't nearly as important to me as the scientific explanation of how, what appeared to be miracles, could take place. I began to use The Healing Codes. After only 3 months of practicing The Healing Codes, I returned to the surgeon who first diagnosed me. He ran the test for Lou Gehrig’s (EMG) and no trace of Lou Gehrig's Disease could be found.
"I have been symptom-free since March 2004. After personally experiencing the results of The Healing Codes techniques, I elected to learn the work in its entirety.
"I resigned from the Immune Recovery Cancer Clinic I helped found and began working with Dr. Loyd to investigate this phenomenon and help spread this technology to the world."
-- Ben Johnson, MD, DO, NMD
What Exactly Are The Healing Codes?
ne way to explain what The Healing Codes are is to tell you what they're not: They're not chakra healing, nor do they have anything to do with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Reiki. Neither are they similar to Qi Gong, hands-on healing, pranic healing or spiritual healing.
Rather, we believe The Healing Codes are the only scientific healing modality that …
eliminates the root cause of any health condition, whether it be physical, emotional or mental – without the use of drugs, surgery or medical treatments.
opens the cells of the body and takes them from a “defensive” mode to a “growth” mode, thereby making your body virtually immune to disease
activates the 3 essential components of healing simultaneously, thereby making health restoration a certainty and not just a possibility.
When you employ the healing codes on yourself or others, the internal stress caused by cellular memories (which are widely acknowledged as the cause of 95% of all diseases, especially cancer) completely disappears. And when that internal stress disappears, so does the disease. This has been shown scientifically through the use of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), the only reliable, state-of-the-art medical apparatus for measuring stress in the nervous system.
Stress is not what you think it is...
You've heard that "Stress kills" and "Stress causes 95% of all diseases." But what you don't know is that the stress they're referring to is not the stress that comes from external sources and personal circumstances such as ...
... a job you hate
... a demanding boss
... messy relationships
... stacks of unpaid bills
... or tight deadlines
Rather, it's the internal stress caused by cellular memories that wreak havoc on your health.
How Cellular Memories Make You Sick!
ellular memories are memories which have imprinted themselves in the cells as a result of life experiences. Some of these memories -- oftentimes from early childhood (and beyond) -- give off destructive energy signals of fear, anger, low self-worth, depression, sadness, anxiety, overwhelm, irritation, resentment, bitterness -- you name it. There are hundreds of wrong beliefs that are interpretations of our cellular memories and our experiences.
Such cellular memories are like tiny radio stations transmitting destructive energy patterns within the body, causing disease, chronic pain and most importantly...
... shutting down the body's immune system.
When your immune system is shut down, your body becomes the ideal habitat for disease, including cancer.
If you can heal those destructive memories or beliefs, then the destructive energy signal can no longer be transmitted. The immune system is thereby reactivated and it begins to heal whatever condition in your body that needs to be healed. That's why these cellular memories are the key.
Cancer Can Almost NEVER Be Healed -- Unless You Do This
There is much evidence to suggest that repressed anger, hate, resentment, and grief are the root emotional causes leading to the development of cancer. But that's only half the picture!
Case in Point: There's a world-renowned bestselling author (I'll refer to her as Emily to protect her privacy) who never acknowledged the deep resentment she carried for having been raped when she was 5 years old and for being battered as a child. When she developed cancer later as an adult, doctors and health practitioners had reason to conclude that her cancer came as a result of the resentment she had harbored for many years.
What most people don't know is this: Emily's traumatic experiences -- whether remembered consciously or subconsciously -- aren't just memories that were stored in the cerebellum, the hippocampus or the temporal lobe of the brain. Her experiences actually imprinted themselves into the cells of her body in the form of cellular memories.
And just as cancer cells give off a destructive frequency (as measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI), destructive cellular memories also give off destructive frequencies (internal stress).
Until you remove the cause of the disease (destructive cellular memories), true healing can never take place.
Physical removal of a cancerous tumor or diseased mass is seldom an effective solution either. Why? Because if a doctor treats a disease such as cancer, for instance, through surgery, radiation or chemotherapy without removing the cellular memories that created the cancer in the first place, the cancer is likely to come back.
This is one reason why cancer frequently recurs. Because the cellular memories that created the disease are seldom addressed by conventional medicine -- and even alternative and naturopathic medicine.
If you learn nothing else from this webpage, let it be this: The root of all cancers and all diseases is a destructive energy pattern in the body.
Once you remove that destructive energy pattern,
the cause of cancer melts away everysingletime.
"Our best hope for healing incurable illness and disease in the future might very well lie in finding a way to heal destructive cellular memories," states Dr. John Sarno, professor at the medical school at New York University. And he goes on to say, "If you can heal that cellular memory, then the illness or disease or chronic pain is very likely to heal."
The Healing Codes involve the use of the fingertips of both hands pointing towards one or more of the 4 different healing centers in the body that nobody knew existed until 8 years ago. When you use your fingertips to direct healing energy at different combinations of these 4 healing centers (there's a specific code for the underlying cause of every disease, including cancer), you effectively clear the destructive cellular memories from your body. In doing so, you turn your immune system back on.
Most medical doctors agree that the immune system is capable of healing just about anything if it is not suppressed by stress. And it is a widely accepted belief that when your immune system is working correctly, it's impossible to get sick.
IMPORTANT: Even if you're already sick, once you remove the internal stress caused by those destructive cellular memories, your immune system will begin to function the way it's supposed to -- and there's nothing the body is not capable of healing.
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he Healing Codes are not intended to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure diseases or other health conditions. Rather, they eradicate internal stress in as little as 6 minutes in a scientifically provable and reproducible way -- thus eliminating the cause of practically all illnesses and diseases in the body.
Ever since The Healing Codes were discovered, miraculous healings have become an everyday occurrence among its thousands of users all over the world. Every known disease has responded well to this natural therapy -- including so-called incurable diseases like cancer and Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS). The Healing Codes organization has amassed hundreds of pages of testimonials from people who have healed themselves of all diseases ranging from acid reflux, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, herpes, emphysema, asthma (and even uterine fibroids) -- to psychological problems like anxiety or clinical depression.
The index of The Healing Codes manual lists dozens of symptoms and health problems spanning all the body systems -- and each one has a corresponding healing code one can use to alleviate or reverse those problems.
Success Stories These are just a few of the thousands of real-life unsolicited testimonials
from people who have used The Healing Codes. All testimonials are on file
at the offices of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this webpage.
Skin Cancer
“I have a history of skin cancer going back several years. I have had a number of them removed but they seem to always either come back or new ones pop up somewhere else – it has been frustrating, painful, expensive, and a little scary at times. The last time I had one come up I did a Healing Codes exercise and the cancer was gone in less than a week – It was UNBELIEVABLE! Thanks.” ~~ Steve
Cancer, Neurological Problems and Depression
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“For the last 10 years I have been an insulin-dependent diabetic, and have had to inject insulin 4 times a day. What worried me were the diabetic complications that were starting to show. The first was very cold hands and feet, second was small problems with my eyes, aching legs, getting up 3 or 4 times a night to go for a wee, feeling tired all the time, and losing my temper and getting stressed very easily.
“I started The Healing Codes program 3 weeks ago with help from a coach in the USA. So far the leg ache has gone, and my legs feel so much lighter. When walking up hill I notice a world of difference. I am no longer getting up in the middle of the night and no longer feeling tired. I'm starting to get more feeling in my feet and they are no longer cold. The one thing everybody else in my family noticed very quickly was that I was no longer losing my temper and have been very calm (for me) no longer getting stressed out over the slightest thing. Have I healed myself from diabetes? At this time I would say No, not yet. I will wait until I see the Specialist (THE ONE WHO SAID THERE IS NO CURE) but what I will say now is that I have had to reduce the insulin that I'm injecting because my sugar levels are dropping,
“I feel better than I've felt in 10 to 15 years. I have found The Healing Codes to be a breath of fresh air. About 16 days after starting, I had a healing response, then 2 days later it was like someone reached down and lifted 50 kg’s off my shoulders. From that day I have felt so different deep down inside it is unbelievable. Thank you so much.” ~~ David O. from the UK
Suicidal Depression
"Suicidal depression had forced my family to make major changes out of their fear for my well-being. I had no energy, no desire for life, and everything seemed like a mountainous chore. My husband is an M.D. but he was at his wits end -- we had tried everything. I was very skeptical when I heard about The Healing Codes, but I was more desperate.
"In less than two weeks my depression was completely gone. Not only could I not believe it, no one around me could either. The Healing Codes has truly been a gift from God." ~~ Mary
Basal Cell Carcinoma (Cancer)
"One of my best friends is a brilliant medical doctor. When I first showed him the small growth on my arm he was not concerned. My winter month clothing kept the danger “growing” on my arm hidden from his eyes for months.
"The first time my doctor friend saw me on a warm spring day in a short sleeve shirt I was in trouble. With one look he took me aside and said, “Larry, this is a basal cell carcinoma, you need to get it removed immediately before it metastasizes or it could kill you.
"The following Monday morning, before I could make an appointment for surgery, Alex Loyd called. If anyone other than Alex had been telling me about energy healings, I would have run. Energy medicine sounded wrong to my western ears and my religious programming. After listening for a long time, I asked, “Are you telling me that I can get rid of this basal cell carcinoma by running my own energy back in to my body?”
"Alex, said, 'I can only tell you the amazing results that some of my clients have experienced.'
"What I experienced next was absolutely amazing -- to the point that I have been telling people all over the world about The Healing Codes. I could tell a difference in the tumor in 3days, I watched it get smaller and smaller day after day, it was completely gone in 4 or 5 weeks. That was over 8 years ago -- still to this day not a trace of the tumor has returned. ~~ Larry
"My husband had a bout with cancer about three and a half to four years ago. He had to have major surgery on the left side of his face and suffered through the radiation. He lost the sense of feeling and the ability to produce saliva, and lost a great deal of ability to taste. Those things are beginning to come back now. He has feeling on the left side of his head, and he is able to taste things that he hasn’t been able to taste for years. The dry mouth is going away. I swear he’s growing more hair on the top of his bald head! The doctors had said that he’d improved as much as he was going to. But with The Codes, he has been improving, and we’re really excited about it. We feel very blessed." ~~ Marilyn
Melanoma (Skin Cancer)
"I had a melanoma (cancer) come up on my upper thigh. I called Dr. Loyd and told him that I would either be healed by doing The Healing Codes, or I would die. I was not willing to go through chemo. While doing the Codes, my melanoma got consistently smaller until it finally fell off -- after only 6 weeks. I AM ALIVE AND WELL!" ~~ Lorea
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vaginitis, Bladder Infections, Dysmenorrhea, Hypothyroidism
and Depression
"I have worked with The Healing Codes techniques for 3 years now and have seen RADICAL changes in my body, my heart and my mind. I started the work because of chronic illness. My symptoms included chronic fatigue, vaginitis, chronic bladder infections, and severe pain with periods, hypothyroidism and depression.
"After the first session I was amazed at how changed I felt! Now I feel like a different person. I no longer struggle with food addiction issues, I'm not depressed and I have an overall sense of well-being which is profound. I'm so grateful to Dr. Alex for his vision and for this work. It really works." ~~ Trish
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
"I was one of the most successful in the United States in my field until I developed severe symptoms and was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. After two years I was mostly bedfast, in constant pain, on numerous medications, and without hope. After doing The Healing Code exercises for six months, I am: off all medications, am totally free of an incurable disease, feel better than I did before I was diagnosed, and am working again. In short I HAVE MY LIFE BACK!" ~~ Patty
Chest Pain
"I had been having chest pains and pain down my arm that had worsened over a several month period. I am middle aged and weigh a few more pounds that I would like - I was sure I had a heart problem. After doing The Healing Codes for about 10 days, all of the pain went away. The thing that impressed me about this system is that it not only heals but seems to do it permanently. Almost two years later I still have no discomfort." ~~David
Metastatic Melanoma (Cancer)
"When my best friend and sweetheart learned she had metastatic melanoma I helped her begin to use the Healing Codes along with her very strict diet to bring her immune system into balance. Her recent CAT-scans showed her to be completely cancer free." ~~ William
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
"I come from the medical profession. I retired my license, but I'm always looking for new avenues and ways of healing. I had a problem with anxiety and panic attacks and had to take medication. It totally immobilized my life for a few years. I stayed locked in the house and didn't go anywhere, so I was always searching for another way besides medication.
After using The Healing Codes for a few weeks, I would feel the panic and anxiety leaving me. I would have more peace and gentleness. I would be slower in walking and talking and not throwing things around.
This whole process is life-changing, and it didn't take that long. I have to tell the whole world somehow! I tell everybody about it. I want them to purchase the package. Give it a try. You have a money-back guarantee... just try it. Because it will work. It will work! ~~ Patricia
"My son Christopher was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of seven months. Now, as a young parent, I didn't know what leukemia was and I did not know that it was cancer. I was soon to find that out...
(Note: Christopher Ryan's story is in your Healing Codes manual. For the sake of brevity, we now jump forward to Melissa Ryan's story after Christopher had undergone 11 years of experimental cancer treatments, surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation with no success -- and after she used The Healing Codes on Christopher.)
"We had immediate results. Immediate results! From the very first time I did (The Healing Codes) on Christopher, he got up from our little session just happy, happier than I'd seen him in a long time."
"He was laughing, he was playing, he seemed to have a lot of energy that he hadn't had the past few months. He'd been very lethargic and very tired all of the time."
"We had exactly 12 days from the time we started The Healing Codes to the time we had to be in Memphis where they were going to do a whole battery of tests on him to find out why he was throwing up."
"Well, twelve days is the initial protocol for The Healing Codes."
We did the twelve days, and we went back to St. Jude's. They did CT scans, MRI's, upper GI's, blood work. you name it, they did it. And the results of every single one of those tests was clear.
There was not anything, and he had stopped throwing up at this point, so I was convinced.
"We're very happy that he is doing great. He's progressing. He doesn't have cancer.
"He is living and he's going to live. I have medical bills here totaling over a million dollars. What a million dollars in medical care could not do for Christopher, The Healing Codes has done for him." ~~ Melissa Ryan
Chronic Foot Pain
"In 2004 I had a foot problem that was causing me great pain. Each time I took a step, the heel on one of my feet hurt with a sharp shooting pain. Doctors could not seem to help me and for 6 months I lived with this chronic condition. The pain progressively go worse.
I was introduced to Dr. Alex Loyd and The Healing Codes and decided to see if his program would help. Three days later the pain in my foot was completely gone and has never come back. The Healing Codes is very easy to use. I particularly like that you don't have to depend on anybody else. You can heal yourself. I have known many people who have used this with similar success." ~~ Joe Sugarman (The BluBlocker Sunglasses Man)
"I've had scoliosis since I was seven, and I wore a body cast for about five years. By the time I hit my 20's, I was in chronic pain. Over the years, I've done chiropractic work, yoga, bodywork, supplements, and the list goes on. It was always very momentary relief. After applying The Healing Codes, from the first time I did it, I felt dramatic results. First I felt deep relaxation and a sense of peace. All my body pain was gone, and I felt much lighter and more calm, focused and fluid in my body movements. It's been 30 years that I've had this pain, and now I'm free of it. I'm ready to enjoy life." ~~David
“My 13 year old son, Drew, did the 12-Day Healing Codes program while we were vacationing. He honestly didn’t believe anything would happen as a result, although he was hopeful that it would clear his adolescent acne problem. When we returned from vacation, he started playing basketball again with his 7th grade team. After the second practice he came home and said, “Mom. I don’t have sports-induced asthma anymore. I can run and run and I don’t get tired!” We both knew it was THC because he had asthma before we started the Codes, and now it was gone. He now has limitless energy and breathing ability. As a result, he can stay in the game longer than any of his other teammates and his b-ball skills really improved (probably because he had to expend less effort). We are seeing the same thing now that he is in lacrosse season. I’m a believer, and so is Drew! His acne is also improving, and we are opting to not put him on meds as we wait for the acne healing to be completed by THC.” ~~ Patti H.
Extreme Pain (Trigeminal Neuralgia)
For over eight years I have experienced the pain caused by a condition called trigeminal neuralgia. This is extreme facial pain triggered by eating, talking, brushing teeth, touching … or just a slight breeze on the cheek. Sometimes I would just be lying perfectly still and experience repeated sharp lacerating facial pain. Even when I
was not experiencing pain, I constantly lived in expectation/fear of the next series of lightning like bolts of pain.
After just two weeks of using the Healing Codes, I sensed that there was a lessening of pain, both intensity and frequency. In another week, I experienced a day and a half pain-free … .and after that a steady, gradual reduction in the intensity and frequency of pain. It is 2 months since I began, and I am thrilled to tell the world that I have been totally pain-free for the past week. This is so amazing!! I will continue to use the Codes daily for the rest of my life!! Thank you all! ~~ Sarah
Fibroid Tumors, Epstein-Barr and Adenomyosis
“Hi. My name is Jennifer Crow. And I wanted to share with you today about how I have received healing in my body, in my spirit, in my soul. And much of it is due to Alex Loyd’s Healing Codes, which I’ve encountered. I want to tell you my story and tell you what’s happened to me.
"I’m 44 years old, I’m a mother of five children. My husband and I pastor an 8,000 member church and I’ve always been a happy, wonderful, blessed person. About four years ago I started having health problems. First it was small things like chronic hoarseness, though that was large to me because I’m a singer. And I began to not be able to sing and lead worship at my church without having to warm up for thirty minutes. I went to specialists. Throughout three or four years, one thing after another – every time I went to a doctor or a new doctor, there was something else wrong with me and I received a new diagnosis.
"All in all, these are some of the diagnosis I’ve received: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, gallbladder full of gall stones, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr virus, adenomyosis, fibroid tumors of the uterus, laryngeal pharyngeal reflux disease, low iron, low B-12, vitamin deficiencies in all aspects. I did take a questionnaire that also showed I was depressed. I think anyone would be depressed if you had all these physical problems!
"What happened was these things just gradually began to snowball until August of 2003 I came to a point in my life where I could not function and I could not go on with life.
"It was just a few days later that my brother called me and told me to listen to someone that was on a radio talk show. He said, “Jennifer, they’re talking about your situation, it sounds like there’s somebody who can help you.” And I ran to the radio and turned on the radio and it was Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson.
"At this point I’d tried everything, so I was willing to do whatever. From the first moment I began to do one of the exercises they gave me, I immediately at that first moment began to feel a peace come into my life. After doing six weeks of The Healing Codes, I lay down at night. As I lay down, I felt a warm feeling, starting at the top of my head, going all the way down through what felt like my veins, going all the way through my arms, my fingers, down into my body. When it was about waist high, I fell sound asleep. Just as I was drifting off to sleep I said to myself, “Wow. This feels so good.” I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning feeling better physically when I woke up that I’d felt four months prior to that. I woke up and I thought, “Wow, I’m getting better, I’m feeling better.” After the third day, I began to realize that I was completely free of the fatigue symptoms; the headache that started at the back, the fatigue that had gone all the way down my neck and shoulders. Completely free. I had been so fatigued that I could not lift my hands. And I realized at that point that I was free of that.
"I went back to the doctor and the ultrasound confirmed that my uterus was completely normal and totally free of all fibroid tumors. I’d been on thyroid medication for low thyroid. I’m currently not on any thyroid medication and my thyroid blood levels T3 and T4 are completely within normal range. The chronic hoarseness is completely gone and I have no more problem with that.
"I thought my problems were health related. Now I see my problems were heart related. I give glory to God and I thank God for bringing Alex Loyd into my life. God bless you.” ~~ Jennifer C.
The above represents only a small cross-section of the testimonials from people from 50 states and 90 countries, whose lives have been changed over the last 9 years by The Healing Codes. Hundreds of additional amazing testimonials are included in your Healing Codes manual.
How the Healing Codes Were Discovered
he Healing Codes were discovered in 2001 by Alex Loyd, ND, Ph.D. It was never Dr. Loyd's intention to discover a healing technology that helps heal practically all diseases. All he wanted was to help his wife, Tracey, find a solution for her severe clinical depression which had plagued her for 12 years.
Dr. Loyd and Tracey had gone to every specialist, and tried every known remedy, but nothing produced lasting results. As a result of Tracey's continuing battle with depression, he switched careers to become a health-care professional specializing in dealing with depression. He spent 5 years in graduate school studying psychology earning his Ph.D and an additional 4 years studying naturopathic medicine, earning his ND in hopes of finding or creating a new solution for clinical depression.
Although he became well-versed with numerous techniques and modalities for dealing with depression, all of them yielded only temporary relief for Tracey.
That all changed on one particular plane ride home from Los Angeles in May 2001. What happened during that fateful flight can only be described as miraculous. All of a sudden, the 4 healing centers were spontaneously revealed to Dr. Loyd in a flash, as if by Providence, along with the complete blueprint for solving Tracey's clinical depression.
He rushed home from the airport, and immediately began applying, the new technique together with Tracey. And within a relatively short period of time, her clinical depression was gone -- it just vanished completely. Tracey was finally free from clinical depression permanently.
Spurred by Tracey's fantastic results, Dr. Loyd began using his "blueprint" (later named The Healing Codes) with the clients he had in his private practice. Much to his amazement, not only did The Healing Codes heal psychological issues like depression, they also healed a wide range of physiological disorders. He soon discovered that The Healing Codes could be used to create a pathway for the body to "heal itself from any illness."
"This is the most profound body of knowledge I have ever experienced. Anyone serious about being their best will want to be touched by this experience. Knowing Dr. Loyd is like being with Einstein before Einstein was known as Einstein."
~~ Bill McGrane, President, McGrane Institute
In an effort to make sense of the inexplicable "blueprint" he had stumbled upon, Dr. Loyd began to do Heart Rate Variability (HRV) scans before and after using The Healing Codes with as many people as he could. The results were positively staggering!
He discovered that 8 out of 10 times, he could teach normal individuals how to bring their bodies from scientifically diagnosed out-of-balance stress levels to in-balance levels within 20 minutes using self-administered Healing Codes.
In Robert Callahan's book titled Stopping the Nightmares of Trauma, he reviewed 30 years of use of Heart Rate
Variability tests and stated that there were only 2 modalities cited in the literature that had been found to take the autonomic nervous system from out-of-balance to in-balance consistently -- and both of them took a minimum of 6 weeks to accomplish ... compared to 20 minutes with The Healing Codes!
It's no wonder then that The Healing Codes are able to effect miraculous strides in healing. It's because they're the only healing mechanism that can control the autonomic nervous system (which is extremely resistant to rapid change), remove stress quickly -- thereby restoring the immune system to proper functioning and eradicating disease!
Are The Healing Codes for You?
bviously, just on the basis of the amazing success stories you've read thus far, you're already interested in learning more about The Healing Codes. But if you're like most people, you're probably saying to yourself, “Wow, these Healing Codes are really unconventional. I don’t know if I understand how they work.”
Your concern is understandable. But consider this: We live in a world where we use things that we don't fully understand -- as long as we know they work. Most of us don't know how cell phones work, for instance -- or how we're able to take pictures with our cell phones and send the pictures across the country to a friend's cell phone in a matter or seconds without the benefit of wires. All we know is that there are invisible frequencies that are sent and received via transmitters.
Likewise, we know that The Healing Codes do work. Even though we see no visible connection between our fingertips and the 4 healing centers in the body or the organs we're trying to heal -- we do know that invisible energy, just like the invisible cell phone frequencies, is transmitted to the 4 healing centers. In so doing, you effectively clear the destructive cellular memories from your body -- and consequently, you turn your immune system back on.
Yes, I know this all seems like magic -- but actually, there is solid science behind the healing technology. And you don't have to understand it fully in order for you to benefit from it. Most people who've used The Healing Codes just went ahead and tried it -- and were healed of whatever they were suffering from long before they understood how the codes worked!
So ... you need not decide now whether The Healing Codes are for you or not. In a moment, you'll be given the opportunity to try them for yourself at absolutely no risk to you.
How Much Is All This Worth to You?
hat is the value of learning a powerful healing technology that eliminates the root cause of any disease (destructive cellular memories) -- thereby making the disease vanish spontaneously or preventing it from inhabiting your body in the first place?
How would your life improve if you could get well and stay well -- without the use of drugs, surgery or medical treatment?
What would you be willing to pay to make your body virtually immune to cancer and other diseases?
What is it worth to have a scientifically tested healing technique that takes only about 6 minutes to do, and requires no equipment except the fingertips of your hands -- and yet has the power to heal practically any disease?
What price can you put on learning how to make health restoration a certainty and not just a possibility? Why, that would be priceless, wouldn't it?
People would gladly pay thousands of dollars for this closely guarded information that you won't find anywhere else in the world. Others would give up everything they own to be free of disease, especially if they have a terminal disease. And there are those who would rather die than go through the horrors of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery or any invasive medical treatments.
For all the health benefits you'll receive by using The Healing Codes, you will NOT have to pay thousands of dollars. You won't even have to pay $1,000 -- although The Healing Codes are definitely worth far more than that.
The regular retail price of the original Healing Codes package is $799.00. Countless Healing Codes packages have been sold worldwide at that price.
The GOOD NEWS is that Dr. Loyd has just recently made the digital (downloadable) edition of The Healing Codes available at 25% the price of the original package. And when you order by midnight tonight, Thursday, February 25, 2010 , you can own the digital (downloadable) edition of The Healing Codes for the introductory price of$199.00. That's 75% less than the original Healing Codes package -- you save$600! (The Digital Healing Codes Package is a package different than The Original Healing Codes. It has been modified for digital delivery and digital coaching.) The price of $199.00 is only a small fraction of what the average person pays for health insurance in oneyear! The Healing Codes insures your health not just for one month or two ... but for a lifetime!
Just think. Your investment of $199 in The Healing Codes is equivalent to only one-third the cost of a single Emergency Room visit (Average Cost of ER Visit = $560). And The Healing Codes might even spare you from needing to go to the Emergency Room in the first place!
Clearly, The Healing Codes may prove to be the best investment you'll ever make for the health of your family and yourself!
But don't delay because we can guarantee that you'll get this deep discount only when you order by midnight tonight, Thursday, February 25, 2010 . Now, you have the opportunity to prove the merits of The Healing Codes to yourself with absolutely no risk.
Send for The Healing Codes digital (downloadable) edition risk-free today. Here's what you'll get:
The Healing Codes Manual (which you can download within minutes)
The Healing Codes Quick & Easy "Getting Started" video in 4 parts (to which you'll be given immediate online access)
4 Recorded Audio Coaching Sessions on how to do the Healing Codes; and
Complete FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
PLUS, this offer comes with our complete 100% satisfaction One-Year money back guarantee!
Here's Our Better-Than-Risk-Free Guarantee
We're so sure The Healing Codes will have a dramatic effect on your health and well-being ... that we're offering the following unconditional guarantee: If you're not satisfied with the results you get with The Healing Codesfor any reason whatsoever, simply tell us within 365 days and we'll give you a prompt, courteous refund. No questions asked. Remember: You have ONE WHOLE YEAR to put The Healing Codes to the test. If you are not TOTALLY satisfied for any reason, simply send us an e-mail within 365 days of ordering, and we'll gladly issue you a refund of your entire purchase price.
Choose from TWO payment options.
Payment Option One: A single payment of $199.00.
Payment Option Two: First payment $99.00. 30 days later, second payment of $100.00.
YES! Please send me instant access to the "Healing Codes" digital (downloadable) package
so that I, too, can experience this amazing healing technology and start changing my life immediately -- even before the day is over.
I understand that once my order is authorized over the secure server, you will process my order promptly, and I will receive instructions via e-mail for downloading the program and accessing all the components of The Healing Codes program.
I understand I will learn revolutionary techniques from The Healing Codes program that I can use in about 6 minutes a day from the comfort of my bed, my favorite chair or wherever I happen to be.
I also understand that I am entitled to a One-Year money back guarantee because you want me to use and test this technology thoroughly. I promise to do my part and use my Codes as prescribed in the Healing Codes manual.
I understand I will receive access to my digital (downloadable) Healing Codes package within 10 minutes.
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The entire contents of this website are based upon research conducted by the author, unless otherwise noted. The publisher and the author present this information for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. In presenting this information, no attempt is being made to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles to provide diagnosing, treating, operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity or physical condition. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Therefore, the reader should be made aware that this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the authors. The publisher and the author encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. You and you alone are responsible if you choose to do anything based on what you read. .
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and we make no curative claims. Testimonials represent a cross-section of the range of results that appear to be typical with these products. Individuals who have provided their testimonies are not compensated in any way. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment. There is no Healing Code for any specific illness or disease. The Healing Codes address only the underlying spiritual issues of disease. We believe that people who use The Healing Codes can reasonably expect to have the issues of their heart heal.