Sunday, May 10, 2009

Seven Foods You Should Never Eat

Seven Foods You Should Never Eat

There are 120,000 edible plants on this earth, yet most of us will consume about seven to ten "foods" in different combinations for most of our meals. If you have never though about it, write down everything you eat for one week and you will probably see the same things come up over and over again. This may not be so bad, but the things that come up on the average American's list usually are what I call "the seven deadly sins."

All of the big seven will do damage to your body. Depending on your immune system and the type of genes your folks gave you on your first birthday, the reactions will vary from person to person. Some folks may be able to handle them better than others. Some may be able to eat them and suffer only minor damage. The problem is you don't know if they will cause disease or death until it is usually too late. Why take the chance when there are thousands of other food choices that taste just as good or better and are just as easy to get your hands (or mouths) on. The seven foods that we would all do well to avoid are alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners, coffee, soda, dairy and meat. To many people, that is their whole diet!

There is enough evidence to write a book on each one of the big seven, and, in fact there are many books written on just such topics. A few highlights on each one, hopefully, will be enough to scare you away from them and have you looking for better alternatives. We all know alcohol will destroy brain cells. (If you knew this at one time and have since forgotten it, perhaps it is time to discontinue alcohol use all together.) Once a brain cell is destroyed, it never grows back. We all have lots of brain cells, but a little bit of alcohol does a little brain damage, a lot of alcohol does a lot of brain damage. It will also dehydrate your body. Did you ever wonder why you drink one beer and pee out three? It is your body's way of flushing out the alcohol before it can do any more brain damage. In the process, you lose vital fluid and nutrients in your urine and this will shrivel up cells which can cause more permanent damage. It causes liver and pancreas malfunction and puts stress on other organs of detoxification that prevent your body from doing its regular detoxification job. This extra burden on your systems can speed up the aging process and cause organs to malfunction. For the few hours you might feel good from drinking, is it really worth all the damage it does?

Sugar is something that is a regular part of many people's diets in almost every meal. From cereal or donuts in the morning, to sweetener in coffee, to candy bars, to desserts, white processed sugar is everywhere. It can be disguised as sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, or any ingredient ending in -OSE. If sugar is found in a whole food, let's say an apple, the fiber in the apple pushes the sugar along the digestive tract and a little bit is absorbed at a time. The body can handle a little sugar and convert it to glucose, which the body uses as energy. If the cells have enough glucose the liver turns the glucose into glycogen which is then stored for use later when the body needs glucose, but does not have enough circulation in the blood. The body simply releases the stored glycogen and turns it back into glucose. If all the places the body stores glycogen are filled up, the liver converts it into Triglycerides. These are then sent out to be stored as fat. Just because a food is low in fat does not mean it will not make you fat. Sugar is a great way to put on extra pounds. Studies have shown that sugar will weaken your immune system. It is also a mild acid and when acid gets in the body, the body must neutralize it. The body uses calcium as a neutralizing agent. It is now being shown through numerous studies that most people do not need more calcium in their diets, they need less acid so that they will not keep losing the calcium that they already have. (By the way, all of the big seven are acid forming).

Artificial sweeteners are probably the worst of all the big seven. There are mounds of books, papers, and testimonials showing the dangers of aspartame, as well as other artificial sweeteners. However, we will just highlight aspartame for now. Aspartame often is the cause of headaches ranging from mild to debilitating. In my practice, I see this at least several times a week. There are testimonials of people attempting suicide (and sometimes succeeding) in an attempt to rid themselves of the pain. I had on patient who had seizures after just one stick of sugar free, aspartame-containing gum. It can also effect your seratonin levels, which is a chemical in your brain that helps regulate mood swings and hunger. By eating low or zero-calorie food with aspartame you may actually gain weight by eating more because you are hungrier. There is also strong evidence that it can cause brain tumors, depression, and even mimic multiple sclerosis symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis and improper treatment. I can go on and on about the dangers of aspartame, but the bottom line is avoid it at all costs.

Coffee is another favorite that has strong negative side affects. A recent study showed that coffee raises your Homocysteine levels, which increases your risk of heart attack even more so than high cholesterol levels. In fact, 80% of people that die of hear attacks have normal cholesterol levels. The caffeine in coffee speeds up just about every function in your body (except sleep) and actually wears out your body, thus speeding up the aging process. It is also a diuretic, which causes you to excrete large amounts of fluid and with this fluid you also lose important nutrients. If you are trying to kick the habit but are having trouble, such as headaches and nervousness, try keeping a cup of coffee nearby and drinking just one tablespoon every hour. this will help you get over your addiction and within about three to five days you should have kicked the habit. Decaffeinated is not much better. Oftentimes turpentine and formaldehyde are used in the decaffeination process; two things I would not want to put in my body.

The problem with soda is that it contains either sugar or artificial sweeteners and caffeine. To make matters worse, colas contain phosphoric acid which robs your body of calcium and creates an acidic state. Pour cola on a car and it will strip the paint; pour it on a car engine and it will clean it. Can you imagine what it is doing to your insides?

Dairy is not designed for human consumption; it is designed for baby cows. When we pasteurize milk, most of the nutrients are destroyed and the remaining product is a big problem for human digestive systems. In fact, if you fed pasteurized cow's milk to a baby cow, that cow would die within two weeks. Even a cow, which is designed to drink milk, cannot handle it once it is pasteurized. Cow's milk also contains bovine growth hormone, which is suspected of causing abnormal growth in humans. (Have you noticed that kids today seem a lot bigger and more physically mature than they did about twenty years ago? Perhaps there is a correlation.)

Cow's milk substitutes, made of soy, rice, almond, sesame, oat or grain, will fulfill your milk cravings and will not cause the problems cow's milk will. Even the American Pediatric Society states you should never give a human baby under the age of one cow's milk because they cannot digest it properly. If it is not good at that age, what makes us think it is good at any age? Many people falsely believe that we need milk for calcium. This is far from the truth. Again, it is not that we need more calcium in our diets, it is that we need less acid.

According to the American Dietetic Association's position paper on vegetarian diets, as long as you are eating enough food to maintain your desired weight, have enough energy and your food choices consist of a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts you are getting all the calcium, protein, and other nutrients that you need. Vitamin B12 is the only thing that you might need to add to your diet, but a daily tablespoon of nutritional yeast or a supplement would solve that problem.

Meat of any kind is also not necessary. If you are concerned that you are not getting enough "complete protein" fear not. There is no such thing as a complete protein. You can get all essential amino acids, which are the little components that protein is made of, if you eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. Soy protein has all eight essential amino acids just like meat, without any of the bad stuff meat has. Things that meat may and often does contain are steroids, chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides and tranquilizers. It is a strong acid and can cause digestive problems such as gastritis, gas constipation and bloating. Being an acid, it will rob your body of calcium stores and increase your risk of hear disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer. You have to eat anyway, why not eat good, healthy food?

Pasted from <>

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Truth About Aspirin


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The Truth About Aspirin
It may not protect your heart... but natural solutions can

Mark Stengler, ND
La Jolla Whole Health Clinic

Special from Bottom Line/Natural Healing
March 1, 2009

E very morning, some 50 million Americans pop a low-dose aspirin into their mouths with the hope that it will help prevent a heart attack or stroke. For many, taking a daily aspirin is a habit, a no-brainer -- a seemingly simple way to protect against cardiovascular disease.

The problem: Aspirin is overprescribed and causes many uncomfortable and possibly dangerous side effects. In addition, a little-known phenomenon called aspirin resistance means that, for some people, aspirin provides no protection at all.

Good news: There are several natural alternatives to aspirin that have the potential to help more people without the damaging side effects.

What Is Aspirin?

Aspirin-like substances date back to the ancient Greeks, who used a powder made from willow tree bark to relieve fever and pain. Aspirin belongs to a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They work by inhibiting the enzymes that make prostaglandins, chemicals that promote inflammation, pain and fever, and are necessary for blood clotting.

Aspirin's Serious Side Effects

People often think of aspirin as a completely benign substance. It is not. In fact, its side effects may surprise you...

Gastrointestinal bleeding. In the US, about 103,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths occur annually from gastrointestinal bleeding related to NSAIDs, including aspirin.

Dyspepsia. This condition, which is characterized by pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen, is reported by 12% of ­users of aspirin and other NSAIDs.

Gastroduodenal lesions. In a study of arthritic patients taking NSAIDs for pain, 30% developed painful gastroduodenal lesions or sores in the stomach and/or small intestine.

Cataracts. Prolonged aspirin use can increase risk for cataracts (hardening and clouding of the lens of the eye) by 55%, according to a study in Ophthalmology.

Aspirin Resistance

For a number of people, aspirin neither prevents blood clots nor reduces inflammation. Aspirin resistance has no symptoms. Sadly, people find out that the daily aspirin they are taking has no effect only when they suffer a heart attack or stroke.

There currently is no single laboratory test for, or accepted definition of, aspirin resistance. Estimates of how many people are aspirin resistant vary widely, from as low as 5.5% to an astonishing 60%, according to a recent study in Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Aspirin is a mild anticoagulant -- it reduces the risk of an abnormal blood clot forming that could cause a heart attack or stroke. Stronger anticlotting medication, such as warfarin (Coumadin) or heparin, generally is given to people who are at higher risk of developing blood clots. Possible side effects from these stronger medications include hemorrhage and hypersensitivity (characterized by chills, asthma, red marks and itchy skin).

Natural Anticlotting Protection

Everyone concerned with heart health should follow a Mediterranean-style diet, consisting mainly of whole grains, vegetables and olive oil, as well as cold-water fish, such as salmon. This type of diet has been shown to significantly reduce the risk for heart attack and stroke.

Next: Take steps to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Risk is determined by age, gender, family and medical history, ­smoking, cholesterol levels and other cardiovascular risk markers, blood pressure, weight and whether you have diabetes.

In addition, holistic physicians often use a blood test to track fibrinogen, a protein essential to blood clot formation. High fibrinogen levels can indicate a risk of developing a blood clot. I monitor fibrinogen levels and use a laboratory test to measure the time it takes for a patient's blood to clot. I order these tests every few months until the readings are normal.

If you are already taking any anticoagulant medication, including aspirin, check with your doctor before taking any of the supplements below. People who take an anticoagulant are at greater risk for hemorrhage because the medication ­reduces the body’s ability to form a blood clot and stop internal or external bleeding.

My recommendations: Three natural anticoagulants -- and one clot-busting enzyme -- can be used in place of aspirin. These supplements, which are available at health-food stores, can be used as follows...

For those who don't have heart disease and want to prevent it, take fish oil, vitamin E and bromelain.

For those with atherosclerosis (fatty buildup in the arteries), take nattokinase and fish oil.

For those with elevated fibrinogen, take nattokinase and fish oil, and then add vitamin E and bromelain if lab tests indicate fibrinogen has not decreased after two months.

Fish oil. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are necessary for natural cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment. Research has shown that patients with coronary artery disease (plaque in the arteries of the heart) who were given fish oil supplements had a mild-to-moderate regression of atherosclerosis as measured by angiography. This means that even people with existing plaque have a chance to reduce it with fish oil.

The beneficial omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are combined eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Best fish sources: Oily, cold-water fish (salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, anchovies), either broiled or baked. (Vegetarians can get their omega-3s from flaxseed or hemp seed.) To prevent coronary disease, consume two to three servings of fish weekly or take 1,500 milligrams (mg) daily of combined EPA and DHA. For those who already have atherosclerosis and high levels of fibrinogen, take 3,000 mg daily of combined EPA and DHA (1,500 mg twice daily with meals). Keeping atherosclerosis under control can be a lifelong battle, so patients can take these amounts indefinitely.

Vitamin E. In moderate doses, this antioxidant has natural blood-thinning properties. Vitamin E is a collection of eight related compounds -- tocopherols and tocotrienols. Look for mixed tocopherol and tocotrienol vitamin E -- it is better than any single tocopherol formulation. Take 800 international units (IU) to 1,200 IU daily. Ask your holistic doctor or cardiologist about the amount that is right for you based on your cardiovascular health.

Bromelain. Found in pineapples, this enzyme acts as an anticoagulant by helping to break down excess fibrin (a blood protein made from fibrinogen that forms at the site of a blood clot). Take 500 mg three times daily, not around mealtimes. If you have ulcers, don't take bromelain.

Nattokinase. Extracted from the traditional Japanese food natto, this enzyme is made from fermented soybeans. With its strong fibrin-dissolving effect, nattokinase is a more aggressive approach to treatment than other natural therapies. It is recommended for people with elevated fibrinogen or a history of heart disease. Researchers have found that it can effectively and safely prevent blood clots without any side effects. Some holistic practitioners have even been able to help their patients who are taking medications such as warfarin switch to nattokinase.

For people with atherosclerosis or high fibrinogen, take 2,000 fibrinolytic units (FU) to 4,000 FU of a nattokinase supplement twice daily under the ­supervision of a health-care professional. Supervision is important with all anticoagulants because there is the danger that too much can lead to hemorrhage and too little to heart attack or stroke. Nattokinase should not be taken with other blood thinners, such as aspirin or warfarin.

Who Should Take Aspirin

For some people, aspirin is indeed a lifesaver. With few exceptions, anyone who thinks he/she is having a heart attack should chew and swallow 325 mg of aspirin immediately. (Chewing any of the supplements will not have the same effect.) Most heart attack patients also are advised to continue taking this amount daily for one month under a cardiologist's care -- because people who survive a heart attack are especially prone to another one in the weeks afterward. After one month, I believe only one group should continue to take aspirin -- those at high risk for cardiovascular disease who are unwilling to take supplements and change their diets and lifestyles.

Caution: Don't take aspirin if you are allergic to it... suspect that you are having a stroke... or have been told by your physician not to take it.

If you are on aspirin therapy, keep in mind that regular use can deplete your body of several nutrients. To protect yourself, take the following daily -- folic acid (400 micrograms, or mcg), vitamin C (500 mg), vitamin B-12 (100 mcg), zinc (30 mg). When using zinc long-term, also take copper (1 mg). Best: Don't take these supplements at the same time of day that you take aspirin.

Who Should DEFINITELY Not Take Aspirin

I disagree with the way many doctors routinely put patients with any risk for cardiovascular disease (or no particular risk at all) on a daily aspirin. This includes a wide swath of people -- men over age 40... women over age 50 who have atherosclerosis or high cholesterol... people over age 40 who have diabetes... people who have a parent or sibling with heart disease... and others.

In addition, some people should flat-out avoid aspirin (although after a heart attack, a cardiologist would determine use), including...

People with active peptic ulcers. Aspirin erodes the stomach lining.

Those with poor kidney or liver function. Aspirin can further damage these organs.

Patients taking anticoagulant medications, such as warfarin. It can increase the risk of bleeding.

Asthma patients. Aspirin can make breathing difficult in some patients whose asthma is triggered by the chemicals in aspirin.

Mark Stengler, ND, a naturopathic physician and leading authority on the practice of alternative and integrated medicine. He is author of Bottom Line/Natural Healing newsletter, author of The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies (Bottom Line Books), director of the La Jolla Whole Health Clinic in La Jolla, California and associate clinical professor at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. To learn more about his work, visit


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